Verbs that start with F and contain RA
We have listed 39 verbs that start with F and contain RA for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with F and contain RA were verified by specialists in the English language.
- faradize
- federate
- federalize
- federalise
- fenerate
- filtrate
- finedraw
- flustrate
- flagrate
- flapdragon
- forage
- foray
- forray
- forwrap
- frame
- frank
- fracas
- fray
- fraction
- fracture
- fragment
- fraise
- franchise
- frustrate
- frap
- fraternize
- frazzle
- fraternise
- fractionate
- fragmentise
- fragmentize
- frag
- frab
- fract
- fractionize
- fraternate
- fundraise
- fulgurate
- funerate