Verbs that start with L
We have listed 186 verbs that start with L for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with L were verified by specialists in the English language.
- lade
- laden
- lard
- lair
- lash
- lack
- lackey
- large
- lake
- lasso
- ladle
- lap
- last
- labor
- lave
- lariat
- lat
- latch
- lavish
- late
- law
- lag
- lam
- laud
- lamb
- laugh
- lark
- lace
- laced
- lance
- lappet
- launch
- lax
- lab
- lame
- lay
- left
- leave
- leg
- leach
- leaven
- lead
- lech
- legend
- lecher
- leaf
- less
- lessee
- lessen
- lesson
- lessor
- league
- let
- leak
- lean
- lend
- ledger
- length
- leap
- letter
- levee
- lee
- level
- leech
- learn
- lease
- lever
- leer
- leash
- levy
- legalize
- leaflet
Read all verbs that start with LE
- lhlike
- limb
- limber
- liquor
- lie
- linger
- litter
- lime
- lithe
- lip
- limit
- live
- liable
- link
- limn
- like
- livery
- lisp
- liken
- lift
- libel
- line
- list
- listen
- lick
- limp
- ligate
- lilt
- light
- litigate
- lionize
- license
- liaise
- liven
- ligature
- liquefy
- lit
- lost
- lot
- lower
- loaf
- loose
- lock
- loosen
- loam
- loot
- loan
- long
- lop
- lope
- loathe
- loco
- lob
- lobby
- lounge
- lour
- louse
- lord
- lout
- lodge
- lore
- loiter
- love
- loo
- loft
- loll
- look
- log
- locate
- lollop
- loom
- lose
- low
- lust
- luster
- lustre
- lunch
- luff
- lug
- lute
- lunge
- lull
- lux
- lumber
- lurch
- lure
- luck
- lurk
- lush
- lump
- luncheon
- luge
- lube
- lullaby
- lucubrate
- lubricate
- luxate
- luxuriate
- lustrate
- luminesce
- lusk
- lumine
- lu
- luminate
- lubricitate
- lyric
- lynch
- lying
- lyophilize
- lysogenize
- lyophilise
- lysogenise
- lyse
- lyken