Verbs that start with C
We have listed 289 verbs that start with C for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with C were verified by specialists in the English language.
- canker
- cask
- cavern
- cat
- casket
- camber
- catch
- care
- careen
- career
- cache
- cavil
- cadge
- cadger
- callus
- calm
- cab
- caulk
- cabal
- carve
- caress
- card
- canton
- candy
- cavort
- caw
- cackle
- cannon
- cajole
- candle
- carry
- canvas
- cause
- cake
- cast
- canoe
- centre
- censor
- census
- cell
- cellar
- cease
- center
- cede
- cement
- censure
- certify
- ceiling
- celebrate
- centrifuge
- cense
- certificate
- cere
- cerebrate
- centralize
- centralise
- ceil
- cess
- cesser
- centuple
- centrifugate
- centuplicate
- cessor
- cessment
- celestialize
- celestify
- centuriate
- celticize
- chain
- chew
- cheap
- chin
- child
- chase
- chum
- choir
- chair
- cheat
- chump
- choke
- chirp
- chant
- cheque
- charge
- chine
- chunk
- check
- chink
- chisel
- chat
- chorus
- church
- chit
- chap
- champ
- chill
- choose
- chick
- chop
- chapel
- churn
- chip
- chance
- charm
- cipher
- civet
- cinder
- circle
- cinch
- cite
- civilize
- circuit
- circumflex
- civilise
- circumscribe
- circumstance
- circumvent
- circulate
- circumcise
- circumference
- citify
- circumnavigate
- circularise
- circularize
- citrate
- circumfuse
- circinate
- circumvolve
- cicatrize
- cinematize
- circumstantiate
- circumvallate
- cicatrise
- circumambulate
- cinematise
- cityfy
- cinchonize
- circumflect
- circumgyrate
- circummure
Read all verbs that start with CI
- clue
- clump
- close
- clamor
- cleat
- clamp
- cleave
- closet
- clang
- clot
- cleft
- clutch
- clothe
- clank
- climax
- cloak
- climb
- clack
- clap
- clinch
- clock
- clad
- clench
- cloud
- cling
- clod
- clinic
- clink
- claret
- clout
- clove
- clay
- clog
- clerk
- clown
- claim
- corbel
- cock
- con
- cox
- coin
- cost
- cobble
- cotter
- confer
- coal
- cove
- cord
- covey
- cotton
- cop
- convoy
- comfit
- cork
- cover
- cozen
- codify
- color
- couch
- convey
- covert
- cockle
- coerce
- covet
- cope
- cordon
- corn
- couple
- copse
- coo
- cough
- commit
- critic
- crowd
- crayon
- crash
- cram
- crush
- cross
- crown
- crimp
- crust
- credit
- crate
- cramp
- croak
- crater
- cringe
- creed
- crest
- crutch
- crane
- crave
- crab
- craven
- crock
- creep
- crawl
- crisp
- crew
- crack
- craze
- cry
- crib
- cruise
- creak
- crank
- crumb
- cure
- curtsy
- cuckoo
- curve
- cup
- curl
- cuddle
- cudgel
- cue
- cusp
- cuff
- cumber
- curry
- cub
- custom
- curse
- cube
- curb
- cut
- cull
- curd
- curdle
- cuckold
- cupboard
- culture
- cushion
- curable
- cuss
- curative
- curtail
- curtain
- culminate
- curvet
- cupel
- cultivate
- currycomb
- cwtch
- cycle
- cypher
- cyclostyle
- cybernate