Verbs that start with B
We have listed 254 verbs that start with B for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with B were verified by specialists in the English language.
- ball
- bane
- bar
- ballad
- bang
- bask
- basket
- baulk
- bay
- bangle
- barb
- barge
- bamboo
- banish
- base
- badge
- baa
- badger
- bawd
- bass
- bail
- ban
- bank
- basset
- bawl
- back
- bash
- band
- barber
- babble
- bark
- baffle
- bald
- ballot
- barrel
- baste
- bend
- bed
- beam
- befit
- betray
- bedaub
- belch
- belong
- bean
- befog
- best
- beseem
- behave
- beset
- befoul
- better
- becalm
- belt
- bear
- bedeck
- behead
- beard
- bestir
- beef
- behest
- bestow
- belie
- beg
- behold
- bevel
- beck
- behove
- bedim
- beckon
- beget
- beggar
Read all verbs that start with BE
- bike
- bit
- birth
- bitch
- bilge
- bin
- bite
- bind
- big
- bias
- bicker
- bisect
- binge
- birch
- bitter
- bilk
- bib
- bird
- bill
- bishop
- billet
- birdie
- bid
- bight
- bide
- billow
- bivouac
- bibulous
- biff
- bicycle
- birdlime
- birken
- birl
- birr
- bifurcate
- bitt
- blur
- blurt
- blade
- blat
- blush
- bless
- blond
- blonde
- blood
- blame
- blaze
- blue
- blazon
- bloody
- blab
- blanch
- blight
- bleach
- black
- blind
- blank
- blear
- bleat
- blink
- bleed
- bloom
- blare
- blench
- blend
- blast
- bluff
- blot
- blotch
- blouse
- bloat
- blob
Read all verbs that start with BL
- bolt
- boy
- boom
- bowl
- botch
- bode
- bounce
- bomb
- bonnet
- boil
- bound
- bodge
- born
- bother
- body
- board
- boost
- boot
- box
- boast
- boat
- borrow
- bold
- boodle
- bottle
- booze
- book
- bog
- bond
- bottom
- bogey
- bob
- boggle
- boll
- bosom
- bogie
- brief
- brooch
- bray
- braid
- brood
- brevet
- brook
- break
- brain
- broom
- bright
- brunt
- brush
- brew
- broach
- bream
- breast
- braise
- brim
- brake
- bribe
- brad
- brick
- brine
- brow
- brute
- bring
- branch
- brave
- brown
- bravo
- breech
- brawl
- brace
- bride
- breed
- bumper
- bust
- bustle
- buzz
- burrow
- but
- bunch
- buck
- bug
- bugger
- bucket
- bundle
- burst
- bully
- bugle
- bung
- buckle
- bus
- bungle
- bush
- buy
- build
- bushel
- bury
- bunk
- bunker
- butt
- butter
- bud
- bulb
- burl
- bunt
- budge
- buoy
- bum
- bubble
- bypass
- byname