Verbs that contain P
We have listed 698 verbs that contain P for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs that contain P were verified by specialists in the English language.
- aspire
- ape
- apple
- abrupt
- adapt
- appall
- apply
- apron
- accept
- apt
- appeal
- appear
- adopt
- appose
- append
- autopsy
- apostate
- aspirate
- apprise
- approach
- amplify
- applaud
- approve
- alphabet
- atrophy
- amputate
- apology
- appal
- apparel
- applique
- appoint
- asphalt
- attempt
- appease
- appraise
- apprehend
- bumper
- bishop
- bump
- baptize
- bebop
- bypass
- bankrupt
- beep
- bop
- bleep
- blip
- bespeak
- bagpipe
- baptism
- burp
- backpack
- backstop
- bombproof
- blaspheme
- bespangle
- bespatter
- baptise
- blacktop
- bespot
- backpedal
- bulletproof
- backspace
- bootstrap
- blueprint
- besprinkle
- backslap
- beplaster
- bespeckle
- bepelt
- bullwhip
- beweep
Read all verbs that start with B and contain P
- cipher
- cheap
- clump
- crimp
- chump
- clamp
- cop
- cup
- chirp
- cramp
- cope
- couple
- copse
- chap
- creep
- champ
- clap
- chop
- crisp
- chapel
- cusp
- capon
- copy
- chip
- cap
- comply
- cheep
- canopy
- cape
- camp
- clip
- caper
- coop
- carp
- cooper
- crap
- deploy
- depute
- drape
- dapple
- damp
- dispel
- dampen
- deport
- depart
- depose
- dip
- dupe
- duplex
- dump
- deepen
- depend
- droop
- drop
- decamp
- diaper
- depict
- dimple
- drip
- deplore
- disrupt
- develop
- disciple
- disport
- deputize
- dispose
- decipher
- dispatch
- deponent
- despair
- deposit
- dispense
Read all verbs that start with D and contain P
- expire
- entrap
- employ
- exempt
- expand
- encamp
- expect
- empty
- except
- erupt
- expel
- equip
- expend
- export
- expose
- escape
- elapse
- espy
- elope
- expert
- explain
- expanse
- expunge
- empower
- epithet
- explode
- exploit
- eclipse
- explore
- empanel
- expedite
- excerpt
- envelop
- expense
- escallop
- espalier
- flop
- flap
- fillip
- frump
- flip
- flyspeck
- fireproof
- frap
- fellowship
- fingerprint
- foolproof
- flump
- ftp
- forpine
- forspeak
- forespeak
- fingerspell
- flipe
- forweep
- forwrap
- forpass
- forshape
- foreappoint
- flapdragon
- foredispose
- foreprize
- group
- gasp
- gallop
- grasp
- gap
- gape
- gulp
- grope
- grip
- gripe
- gyp
- gimp
- gospel
- gypsy
- gossip
- grump
- graph
- gawp
- grapple
- gazump
- glimpse
- galumph
- gip
- grype
- gollop
- giftwrap
- gallopade
- gospelize
- goldplate
- graphitize
- goofproof
- glump
- gloppen
- galpe
- goosestep
- gallopin
- hip
- harp
- hop
- hope
- hap
- hyphen
- help
- happen
- heap
- hamper
- hump
- hasp
- hoop
- harpoon
- hype
- hiccup
- handicap
- hookup
- hedgehop
- hospitalize
- hypertrophy
- hyphenate
- hopple
- hypnotize
- horsewhip
- hydroplane
- hypnotise
- hypothesise
- hypothesize
- hospitalise
- hyperventilate
- heliograph
- hyperbolize
- hypostatize
- hypothecate
- hectograph
- impair
- impale
- impure
- imply
- impute
- impart
- import
- impose
- impede
- impost
- impel
- impend
- imp
- impact
- impugn
- impulse
- impanel
- irrupt
- impress
- imperil
- implode
- implore
- imprint
- imprison
- impeach
- inspect
- improper
- improve
- input
- inspire
- inspirit
- impinge
- impound
- implant
- imprecate
- interpolate
- japan
- jape
- jump
- jeopardy
- juxtapose
- jeopardize
- juxtaposition
- jeopardise
- jaup
- jeopard
- joypop
- jasperize
- jampack
- jumpstart
- juxtaposit
- jumpweld
- kidnap
- kip
- kipper
- keep
- knapsack
- kneecap
- knap
- keypunch
- kep
- knapple
- lop
- lope
- lip
- lap
- lisp
- leap
- lappet
- lapse
- limp
- lollop
- loop
- lump
- lampoon
- leapfrog
- loophole
- landscape
- lopper
- lithograph
- lipread
- lipstick
- larrup
- lapidate
- lapidify
- lyophilize
- lyophilise
- lithotype
- lipse
- leperize
- map
- mop
- mope
- mishap
- misapply
- morph
- misplace
- misprint
- misspeak
- misspell
- misspend
- multiply
- misstep
- misrepresent
- misapprehend
- misinterpret
- monopolize
- misplay
- manipulate
- mispronounce
- mimeograph
- metamorphose
- misappropriate
- monopolise
- misperceive
- mothproof
- microcopy
- misshape
- mansplain
- misreport
- mump
- morphew
- mispaint
- miskeep
- miscopy
- misplead
Read all verbs that start with M and contain P
- nip
- nap
- nonplus
- napalm
- nitpick
- namedrop
- nonpros
- nonprossed
- naphthalize
- nuncupate
- nempne
- opine
- occupy
- orphan
- output
- oppose
- opaque
- open
- opiate
- overpay
- opt
- operate
- overpass
- opinion
- outstrip
- optimize
- overlap
- outcrop
- overstep
- outpace
- oppress
- outplay
- outpoint
- oversupply
- optimise
- overplay
- overspread
- opportune
- overpower
- overpraise
- offprint
- oppugn
- outspread
- oversleep
- overprotect
- overspend
- overexpose
- peach
- phial
- plait
- poke
- pack
- pump
- pulley
- pardon
- please
- potion
- pupate
- perch
- ponce
- praise
- pamper
- power
- parry
- page
- person
- police
- pinion
- pond
- people
- pare
- ponder
- puddle
- packet
- paunch
- palm
- pride
- pity
- pelt
- psyche
- plash
- pock
- plan
Read all verbs that start with P and contain P
- quip
- quintuple
- quadruple
- quickstep
- quadruplicate
- quop
- quintuplicate
- quap
- repast
- reply
- ramp
- repute
- rasp
- repeal
- ripple
- repeat
- recopy
- ripsaw
- repel
- rap
- rape
- report
- reopen
- repent
- repose
- recoup
- rapine
- rumple
- rumpus
- rappel
- rope
- rapt
- repine
- romp
- repay
- repair
- reap
- rip
- revamp
- ripe
- reship
- ripen
- reprieve
- receipt
- slip
- speed
- splint
- sparse
- script
- seep
- stamp
- splay
- split
- spay
- shop
- stomp
- spill
- spire
- swoop
- slap
- spot
- soap
- spook
- sprint
- spasm
- spin
- sharp
- spool
- sip
- sap
- span
- speck
- spirit
- splash
- spoon
- spouse
- spew
- scoop
- steep
- spat
- tipple
- tamp
- trip
- tamper
- temp
- turnip
- temper
- tiptoe
- tampon
- trump
- tip
- type
- troupe
- temple
- troop
- topple
- tap
- triple
- tape
- tramp
- taper
- tempt
- thump
- top
- typify
- trap
- triumph
- trespass
- torpedo
- trumpet
- turnpike
- traipse
- tempest
- topsoil
- trample
- tapestry
- unpin
- uptake
- upend
- unwrap
- upturn
- uproar
- uproot
- up
- upwind
- upset
- uphold
- unpack
- umpire
- usurp
- unpick
- uplift
- upstart
- upload
- update
- unclasp
- upraise
- underpay
- upright
- underpin
- unzip
- uncouple
- unplug
- upbraid
- upchuck
- uppercut
- upsurge
- uprise
- underplay
- unstrap
- upgrade
- upholster
- vamp
- vapor
- vaporize
- vamper
- vaporise
- vituperate
- vilipend
- vape
- videotape
- varitype
- volplane
- vaporate
- whoop
- wallop
- weep
- whop
- wimple
- whelp
- whip
- wisp
- wrap
- warp
- wipe
- whisper
- whimper
- worship
- whipsaw
- wiretap
- weatherproof
- whap
- whirlpool
- waterproof
- wrapped
- whomp
- wallpaper
- waterproofing
- weaponize
- whipstitch
- weaponise
- wap
- wapper
- weatherstrip
- whimple
- whistlestop
- whipgraft
- windowshop
- xylograph
- xeriscape
- xerocopy
- yap
- yelp
- yip
- yaup
- yawp
- yaulp
- zip
- zoophyte
- zipper
- zap