Verbs that contain F
We have listed 622 verbs that contain F for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs that contain F were verified by specialists in the English language.
- affirm
- affix
- afford
- affray
- affect
- afflict
- amplify
- afforest
- acidify
- affront
- affiance
- affine
- airlift
- aerify
- argufy
- affiliate
- aurify
- affright
- alkalify
- acetify
- airfreight
- ammonify
- affranchise
- abortifacient
- affrap
- arefy
- affeer
- affy
- affear
- aftereye
- afforce
- anglify
- affrighten
- artificialize
- affuse
- affile
- befit
- brief
- befog
- befoul
- beef
- baffle
- bluff
- befall
- buff
- buffer
- buffet
- bereft
- buffoon
- barf
- benefice
- befriend
- biff
- benefit
- befuddle
- beatify
- beautify
- buffalo
- befool
- breakfast
- bombproof
- blindfold
- boldface
- bifurcate
- butterfly
- backfire
- basify
- bulletproof
- breastfeed
- benefact
- batfowl
- behoof
Read all verbs that start with B and contain F
- confer
- comfit
- codify
- cleft
- cuff
- chafe
- coffer
- chaff
- craft
- caftan
- coffin
- coif
- confab
- confront
- classify
- confuse
- comfort
- confess
- confute
- calcify
- confide
- crucify
- certify
- confine
- confirm
- clarify
- conflate
- conflict
- catfish
- conform
- coiffure
- chafing
- confound
- confederate
- circumflex
- centrifuge
- differ
- defeat
- defect
- draft
- defend
- deform
- defer
- defray
- drift
- defy
- dwarf
- defuse
- deify
- duff
- defile
- deaf
- deafen
- define
- doff
- deface
- defame
- dignify
- default
- deflect
- defecate
- deflower
- defog
- defence
- diffract
- deforest
- diffuse
- defense
- defraud
- dandify
- deflate
- disfavor
Read all verbs that start with D and contain F
- edify
- efflux
- effort
- effuse
- enfold
- engulf
- efface
- effect
- elf
- enfeeble
- enfilade
- emulsify
- enforce
- eff
- effervesce
- exemplify
- efflorescent
- exfoliate
- electrify
- enfranchise
- effectuate
- effeminate
- engraft
- enfeoff
- effloresce
- esterify
- etherify
- effeminize
- effeminise
- effray
- enfire
- enform
- enfree
- effierce
- efforce
- enface
- fear
- fever
- fine
- felt
- frill
- fur
- feed
- fife
- fatten
- forgo
- flange
- factor
- ferule
- fame
- fresco
- flirt
- frame
- flank
- flop
- forest
- follow
- fresh
- fringe
- family
- fruit
- fig
- fog
- fusion
- front
- foment
- feast
- feel
- flavor
- flag
- fork
- fowl
- gift
- golf
- graft
- gaff
- gulf
- guffaw
- glorify
- goof
- gratify
- gasify
- godfather
- genuflect
- goffer
- gentrify
- gauffer
- graff
- giftwrap
- goofproof
- haft
- huff
- heft
- hoof
- half
- handcuff
- horrify
- hotfoot
- handcraft
- humidify
- housewife
- humify
- handfast
- huswife
- handfeed
- haffle
- humanify
- halfcock
- hornify
- infant
- infix
- infect
- infuse
- inflow
- infer
- inform
- infest
- infirm
- inflame
- inflate
- infringe
- inflect
- inflict
- infusion
- informer
- infield
- identify
- intensify
- imperfect
- infatuate
- interfere
- infuriate
- influence
- informant
- information
- infiltrate
- indemnify
- infract
- ingraft
- infuscate
- interstratify
- insufflate
- ingulf
- ignify
- infold
- justify
- jackknife
- jellify
- jollify
- knife
- kaftan
- kerfuffle
- left
- loaf
- luff
- leaf
- lift
- loft
- leaflet
- leapfrog
- liquefy
- lenify
- lignify
- lapidify
- liquify
- lifehack
- ladify
- loof
- ladyfy
- lifen
- labefy
- loffe
- miff
- misfit
- modify
- muff
- muffle
- mollify
- manifest
- mystify
- manifold
- mummify
- magnify
- mortify
- mischief
- midwife
- misinform
- misfire
- misfortune
- manufacture
- minify
- malfunction
- microfilm
- metrify
- misidentify
- mothproof
- misfunction
- munify
- madefy
- misfile
- misinfer
- misfall
- misfare
- misfeign
- misform
- mercify
- misframe
- misgraff
Read all verbs that start with M and contain F
- notify
- nullify
- nitrify
- nazify
- nigrify
- nidify
- nutrify
- nidificate
- newfangle
- nugify
- neatify
- nobilify
- netify
- outfit
- off
- offend
- offer
- office
- ossify
- offset
- overfly
- overflow
- outflank
- outflow
- outfox
- officer
- overfeed
- overfill
- outface
- outfight
- obfuscate
- objectify
- officiate
- offload
- offprint
- oversimplify
- outperform
- overrefine
- opacify
- overfatigue
- offsaddle
- overstuff
- omnify
- outfly
- outfeast
- outfool
- outfrown
- overfish
- outfawn
- prefix
- proof
- pilfer
- puff
- profit
- purify
- pacify
- prefer
- perforce
- perform
- profane
- petrify
- putrefy
- perfume
- piffle
- profess
- preform
- proffer
- profile
- pettifog
- profound
- profuse
- perfect
- preface
- platform
- profanation
- prefigure
- profession
- personify
- pontificate
- profligate
- pitchfork
- perfection
- prettify
- proliferate
- perforate
Read all verbs that start with P and contain F
- quaff
- qualify
- quantify
- quoif
- quickfreeze
- refute
- refer
- roof
- reform
- raffle
- rebuff
- raft
- rafter
- refill
- riffle
- refine
- rifle
- refit
- rift
- reef
- ruff
- ratify
- ruffle
- reflex
- rarefy
- refuge
- ramify
- refund
- refuse
- referee
- reforge
- reaffirm
- revivify
- refract
- reify
- riff
- reproof
- refrain
- reflect
- refresh
- ruffian
- skiff
- scuff
- swift
- surf
- serf
- safe
- suffer
- sniff
- safety
- suffix
- stuff
- shaft
- soften
- sift
- shelf
- scarf
- sheaf
- staff
- shift
- scoff
- snuff
- stiff
- stifle
- satisfy
- simplify
- snaffle
- specify
- snafu
- solidify
- scuffle
- spoof
- surface
- scaffold
- shuffle
- surfeit
- suffice
- trifle
- tiff
- tuft
- turf
- tariff
- typify
- testify
- terrify
- traffic
- transfer
- transfix
- tumefy
- transfigure
- transmogrify
- transform
- transfuse
- thurify
- trifurcate
- telefax
- tabefy
- tepefy
- tipsify
- torrefy
- torrify
- torpify
- twifallow
- terrestrify
- trifallow
- thrifallow
- thryfallow
- transfigurate
- testfire
- transforate
- transfreight
- transfrete
- transfund
- unfit
- unify
- unfurl
- unfold
- unfair
- uplift
- unfasten
- uniform
- unfreeze
- unfrock
- uglify
- unsanctify
- underperform
- unfix
- ultracentrifuge
- unfriend
- unfetter
- unform
- upfill
- upflow
- unroof
- upwaft
- unfool
- underfeed
- undeaf
- unmuffle
- unflesh
- unfence
- unruffle
- undeify
- unstuff
- underfong
- unperfect
- unfurnish
- uniformise
- uniformize
- vilify
- vivify
- verify
- versify
- vitrify
- vociferate
- vouchsafe
- verbify
- vinify
- varify
- vivificate
- vitrificate
- wolf
- wafer
- waffle
- waft
- wharf
- woof
- whiff
- warfare
- weatherproof
- waterfowl
- waterproof
- windsurf
- waterproofing
- waff
- whiffle
- wayfare
- weightlift
- winterfeed
- whipgraft
- wolfwhistle
- wrongfoot
- xenograft
- xfer
- zincify