Verbs that start with R
We have listed 187 verbs that start with R for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with R were verified by specialists in the English language.
- rash
- ramp
- rattle
- ransom
- raffle
- rasp
- raise
- rant
- raft
- rafter
- rag
- rap
- rage
- rake
- rat
- rape
- rack
- ravage
- ranch
- rave
- racket
- rally
- ravel
- rate
- ragout
- rapine
- raven
- ram
- rabbet
- rappel
- rand
- ray
- ramble
- rabbit
- raid
- ratify
- retort
- reheat
- relive
- retch
- recede
- reveal
- repast
- rest
- refute
- reload
- recite
- reply
- reduce
- rename
- refer
- regain
- retell
- revise
- revel
- reckon
- regale
- relax
- rescue
- reform
- remind
- repute
- repeal
- reside
- reword
- result
- rend
- rebuff
- redeem
- render
- repeat
- rear
Read all verbs that start with RE
- rhyme
- rhubarb
- rhapsodize
- rhumba
- rhapsodise
- rhetorize
- rhetoricate
- ride
- rivet
- ridge
- rib
- rile
- rill
- ripple
- rim
- rime
- ribbon
- ripsaw
- rise
- risk
- riffle
- rind
- rifle
- ring
- rice
- rift
- rich
- rig
- right
- rick
- rival
- rinse
- riot
- rive
- river
- rid
- rip
- ripe
- riddle
- ripen
- riposte
- ridicule
- riff
- rocket
- roll
- rose
- roof
- rove
- rover
- row
- rook
- rouge
- roach
- rough
- room
- rowel
- rodent
- rosin
- roam
- roost
- roar
- root
- roast
- rob
- roster
- robe
- round
- rot
- rope
- rogue
- rotate
- romp
- rote
- rouse
- roil
- rock
- rout
- route
- roughen
- rule
- rubric
- rumble
- ruck
- rush
- ruddy
- rumor
- rue
- rub
- rumple
- rust
- rumpus
- rubber
- ruff
- run
- ruffle
- rustle
- rut
- rug
- ruby
- ruin
- rupture
- rumba
- ruminate
- rummage
- rudiment
- rumour
- ruffian
- rubbish
- ruddle
- rusticate
- ruth
- rubify
- ruckle
- rubberise
- rubberize