Verbs that start with F
We have listed 256 verbs that start with F for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with F were verified by specialists in the English language.
- fatten
- factor
- fame
- family
- farce
- famish
- fault
- fake
- fade
- fan
- fable
- fare
- fabric
- fancy
- fast
- fasten
- falcon
- fag
- face
- fang
- farm
- fat
- fall
- facet
- fagot
- favor
- fate
- fay
- father
- fail
- fallow
- fathom
- fawn
- fain
- farrow
- faze
- fear
- fever
- felt
- feed
- ferule
- feast
- feel
- fess
- feat
- fester
- fey
- feign
- feint
- fence
- fetch
- ferret
- fete
- fend
- ferry
- fender
- fell
- fetter
- fettle
- fellow
- feud
- fee
- feeble
- ferment
- feather
- feminize
- festoon
- feature
- fencing
- ferrule
- federate
- fescue
Read all verbs that start with FE
- fine
- fife
- fig
- fill
- finger
- fight
- fillet
- fiance
- fist
- fillip
- film
- fib
- fiddle
- figure
- firm
- fit
- finish
- filter
- fidget
- fish
- filch
- fix
- file
- field
- fin
- fire
- fizz
- fizzle
- find
- filigree
- finesse
- fissure
- fink
- filtrate
- fixate
- filet
- flange
- flirt
- flank
- flop
- flavor
- flag
- flap
- flit
- flex
- flurry
- flush
- flaw
- fluff
- flare
- flash
- fly
- flute
- flea
- float
- flick
- fluke
- flay
- flat
- flail
- fleck
- flume
- flier
- floss
- flux
- flake
- flight
- flock
- flunk
- flee
- flying
- fleece
Read all verbs that start with FL
- fnese
- forgo
- forest
- follow
- fog
- foment
- fork
- fowl
- fond
- fox
- fondle
- forage
- foray
- foster
- form
- foil
- food
- foist
- fort
- fool
- foul
- fold
- format
- foully
- forbid
- found
- foot
- force
- foal
- folio
- foam
- forego
- fob
- forge
- forger
- forget
- ford
- frill
- fresco
- frame
- fresh
- fringe
- fruit
- front
- free
- fret
- frisk
- frank
- fry
- frump
- frost
- fracas
- froth
- freeze
- frizz
- friend
- frock
- frieze
- frown
- frog
- fright
- french
- fray
- frenzy
- frolic
- freak
- freckle
- freshen
- frontier
- freeborn
- fritter
- fraction
- fracture
- ftp
- fur
- fusion
- fuss
- fun
- fulfil
- fund
- furl
- futile
- full
- fuller
- future
- fuzz
- furrow
- fuddle
- funk
- fudge
- fuel
- funnel
- fumble
- fume
- fuse
- fusible
- fumigate
- furbelow
- furbish
- function
- fulfill
- furlough
- furnish
- furring
- fuck
- further
- fusil
- fusillade
- fullback
- furniture
- fyrd
- fyrdung