Verbs that start with U
We have listed 104 verbs that start with U for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with U were verified by specialists in the English language.
- ugly
- uglify
- ulcer
- ultimate
- ululate
- ulcerate
- ullage
- ultracentrifuge
- umber
- umpire
- umbecast
- umbrate
- unbox
- unsay
- unpin
- unbind
- uncoil
- unfit
- unhook
- unify
- unlace
- unfurl
- unyoke
- unmake
- uncork
- unwrap
- unman
- unroll
- unload
- unseal
- unseat
- unlock
- uncurl
- unveil
- unbend
- unhand
- unbolt
- unclog
- unfold
- unfair
- unpack
- unmask
- unwind
- unite
- untidy
- undo
- untie
- unbar
- uptake
- upend
- upturn
- uproar
- uproot
- up
- upwind
- upset
- uphold
- uplift
- upstart
- upload
- update
- upraise
- upright
- upbraid
- upchuck
- uppercut
- upsurge
- uprise
- upgrade
- upholster
- upcast
- upstage
- uppercase
- upthrow
- upheave
- uprear
- upstay
- upcoil
- uplock
- uplook
- upcurl
- upsway
- uppile
- updive
- urge
- urine
- urn
- urbanize
- urinate
- urbanise
- urticate
- ure
- use
- used
- usher
- usury
- usurp
- usance
- usure
- utter
- utensil
- utilize
- utile
- utilise