Verbs that start with P
We have listed 303 verbs that start with P for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with P were verified by specialists in the English language.
- pack
- pardon
- pamper
- parry
- page
- pare
- packet
- paunch
- palm
- pal
- parley
- parrot
- panel
- patent
- par
- pan
- parse
- palate
- pap
- parent
- pact
- past
- pause
- paste
- pang
- pad
- pay
- pant
- pave
- path
- paddle
- patrol
- parer
- pace
- part
- patron
- peach
- perch
- person
- people
- pelt
- peak
- pepper
- peal
- pester
- pearl
- peril
- pen
- perk
- pestle
- pet
- pedal
- perish
- perm
- pert
- pencil
- pee
- peek
- peel
- peen
- period
- pebble
- peep
- peter
- permit
- peddle
- pew
- pellet
- peer
- peruke
- pent
- peace
Read all verbs that start with PE
- phial
- physic
- phrase
- phase
- philter
- phone
- philander
- photograph
- philosophize
- photocopy
- photostat
- philosophise
- phantasy
- phonate
- phosphoresce
- phlebotomize
- photolithograph
- phlebotomise
- photosensitize
- photosensitise
- phrensy
- photoengrave
- pheese
- photoset
- photosynthesize
- phosphorate
- phenolate
- phototype
- phosphorize
- phonetize
- photomap
- phlogisticate
- photocompose
- phosphatize
- philologize
- physiologize
- pinion
- pity
- pile
- pink
- pig
- pimp
- pigeon
- pirate
- piss
- pilfer
- pin
- pick
- pip
- pipe
- pitted
- pistol
- piddle
- picket
- pill
- pie
- pivot
- pit
- pillar
- pinch
- pickle
- piece
- pix
- pitch
- pi
- pillow
- piping
- pine
- picnic
- pith
- pierce
- pique
Read all verbs that start with PI
- plait
- please
- plash
- plan
- plume
- plod
- pleat
- ploy
- plane
- plot
- plump
- plague
- plough
- play
- pledge
- plunge
- plow
- plank
- plat
- ply
- plain
- pluck
- pliant
- place
- plate
- plug
- plant
- plight
- plead
- plumb
- pleasure
- plonk
- plop
- plummet
- plunder
- plaster
- poke
- potion
- ponce
- power
- police
- pond
- ponder
- pock
- powwow
- pox
- pose
- polite
- potter
- policy
- posit
- pod
- pony
- pot
- pouch
- pole
- port
- posse
- pomade
- point
- pounce
- porter
- pound
- pore
- post
- pommel
- pour
- pool
- polish
- poise
- poop
- praise
- pride
- prune
- prey
- prance
- prefix
- priest
- proof
- prove
- prank
- prop
- prig
- prose
- prate
- prim
- prod
- profit
- precis
- prime
- prise
- prawn
- propel
- prepay
- prison
- probe
- prompt
- pry
- preach
- prowl
- preen
- primp
- press
- price
- proxy
- pray
Read all verbs that start with PR
- psyche
- psalm
- psychoanalyse
- psychoanalyze
- pshaw
- psych
- psalmodize
- psychologize
- ptyalize
- ptyalise
- pump
- pulley
- pupate
- puddle
- pun
- punch
- putter
- putty
- pulp
- purr
- puppy
- purse
- puff
- puzzle
- pursue
- pug
- purvey
- puree
- pulse
- push
- punish
- purge
- purify
- puke
- pule
- purl
- punt
- pucker
- punter
- put
- pumice
- pull
- purple
- pummel
- pup
- purport
- pyx
- pyramid
- pyne
- pyritize
- pythagorize