Verbs that start with S
We have listed 573 verbs that start with S for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with S were verified by specialists in the English language.
- salt
- say
- same
- save
- sail
- savior
- sash
- sap
- safe
- savor
- sack
- sass
- sample
- saint
- saber
- safety
- sauce
- saw
- sable
- sally
- sag
- sallow
- salute
- sabre
- sate
- salmon
- salaam
- salve
- sand
- sad
- salary
- sadden
- saute
- sale
- saddle
- savage
- scotch
- script
- scud
- scat
- scythe
- scuff
- scheme
- scant
- scrawl
- scull
- sconce
- scream
- scoop
- scour
- scoot
- scald
- scope
- screen
- scale
- school
- scout
- scum
- scroll
- scow
- screw
- scowl
- scar
- scene
- scorch
- scrub
- scurry
- scrag
- scare
- score
- scalp
- scent
Read all verbs that start with SC
- sdeign
- sdan
- seemly
- seep
- serene
- sever
- sent
- seesaw
- select
- serf
- send
- seethe
- secure
- sew
- sewer
- secede
- sedate
- seal
- sex
- seam
- second
- seduce
- set
- seine
- sear
- secret
- sense
- search
- see
- sell
- seed
- sermon
- setter
- settle
- season
- serve
- seize
- seek
Read all verbs that start with SE
- shirt
- shrub
- shed
- shelve
- shoot
- show
- shrug
- shale
- shill
- shop
- sheen
- shark
- shower
- shack
- shuck
- shim
- sharp
- sham
- shimmy
- shiver
- shin
- shade
- shun
- shame
- shine
- shore
- shunt
- shadow
- shred
- sheer
- shoal
- shut
- sheet
- short
- shock
- shave
- silt
- site
- sinner
- sic
- sign
- signal
- simmer
- silver
- sinew
- sip
- sick
- sing
- sicken
- signet
- sidle
- singe
- silk
- silken
- siege
- siphon
- sickly
- single
- sin
- sieve
- size
- simper
- sift
- sizzle
- side
- sigh
- silage
- sight
- sire
- sister
- simple
- sink
- sjambok
- skit
- skiff
- skive
- skill
- skim
- skimp
- skulk
- skin
- skunk
- sketch
- skew
- skip
- skewer
- ski
- sky
- skate
- skid
- skirt
- skittish
- skittle
- skittles
- skylark
- skivvy
- skipper
- skirmish
- skedaddle
- skitter
- skyjack
- skink
- skirl
- skyrocket
- skydive
- skateboard
- skreigh
- skank
- skite
- slip
- slang
- slouch
- slough
- slant
- sleet
- slap
- sleeve
- slow
- sleigh
- slash
- slat
- slate
- slit
- sleuth
- slew
- sly
- slue
- slice
- sliver
- slug
- slick
- slave
- sluice
- slide
- slab
- slaver
- slum
- slack
- slight
- slump
- slag
- slim
- slime
- slop
- slope
- smack
- smite
- small
- smock
- smart
- smoke
- smash
- smear
- smooch
- smooth
- smell
- smelt
- smudge
- smile
- smug
- smirch
- smut
- smirk
- smolder
- smother
- smoulder
- smuggle
- smutch
- smarm
- smatter
- smoothen
- smarten
- smote
- smalt
- smatch
- smeeth
- smore
- smerk
- smouch
- smittle
- smight
Read all verbs that start with SM
- sneer
- snack
- sneeze
- snooze
- snag
- snore
- snail
- snick
- snort
- snake
- snot
- snout
- sniff
- snow
- snap
- snip
- snipe
- snare
- snarl
- snatch
- snivel
- snub
- snuff
- sneak
- snood
- snug
- snuggle
- snoop
- snaffle
- snafu
- snicker
- snowball
- sniffle
- snitch
- snowshoe
- snuffle
- sot
- solace
- soak
- sock
- socket
- soap
- sonnet
- somber
- sombre
- sod
- sough
- soul
- soar
- sodden
- sob
- solder
- sow
- sober
- sound
- sole
- solo
- soot
- soothe
- soup
- soften
- sooty
- sour
- sop
- source
- sorrow
- solute
- sort
- sortie
- solve
- soil
- souse
- speed
- splint
- sparse
- splay
- split
- spay
- spill
- spire
- spot
- spook
- sprint
- spasm
- spin
- spool
- span
- speck
- spirit
- splash
- spoon
- spouse
- spew
- spat
- spout
- sprout
- spell
- spruce
- spoil
- spy
- spleen
- spray
- spelt
- spoor
- spank
- spice
- spud
- spoke
Read all verbs that start with SP
- squawk
- squab
- squeak
- squeal
- squall
- squib
- square
- squint
- squire
- squash
- squat
- squirm
- squirt
- squish
- squabble
- squeegee
- squeeze
- squelch
- squiggle
- squander
- squared
- squirrel
- squinch
- squail
- squirr
- squabash
- squiny
- squilgee
- squawl
- squaredance
- strut
- story
- starch
- stock
- stigma
- straw
- stench
- stamp
- sting
- stet
- steel
- stomp
- strain
- stroke
- stub
- stare
- stone
- statue
- stroll
- stink
- streak
- storm
- stanch
- strait
- stride
- stark
- stream
- stay
- stab
- stile
- style
- stand
- stew
- stucco
- stint
- steep
- suture
- sulk
- sullen
- surety
- surtax
- surf
- sully
- sunder
- suit
- sue
- survey
- sundry
- suffer
- sum
- submit
- surge
- sub
- supper
- suffix
- succor
- subdue
- supple
- summer
- supply
- sublet
- suck
- summit
- sugar
- summon
- sucker
- sup
- suckle
- sun
- suborn
- sulphur
- sunburn
- sward
- swarm
- swerve
- swoon
- swift
- swoop
- swash
- swig
- swill
- swim
- swab
- swath
- swathe
- swag
- swear
- sweat
- swing
- sway
- sweep
- swipe
- sweet
- swirl
- swamp
- swish
- swan
- switch
- swell
- swivel
- swap
- swizzle
- swarthy
- swoosh
- swat
- swaddle
- swindle
- swot
- syrup
- symbol
- sync
- syringe
- syllable
- synchronize
- syphon
- syncopate
- sympathize
- syllabicate
- sycophant
- syllabify
- systematize
- synthesize
- syndicate
- symbolize
- synchronise
- sympathise
- systematise
- synthesise
- symbolise
- symmetrize
- syllabize
- systemize
- syllogize
- symmetrise
- syncretize
- syllabise
- systemise
- syllogise
- syncretise
- syke
- sypher
- symphonize
- syphilize
- synonymize