Verbs that start with G
We have listed 271 verbs that start with G for you in this WordMom word list. All these verbs starting with G were verified by specialists in the English language.
- gad
- gamble
- gargle
- gambol
- gasp
- gawk
- game
- gaze
- garner
- gate
- gaff
- gale
- gallop
- gag
- gather
- gaggle
- gap
- gape
- gammon
- gain
- gar
- gab
- gauge
- garter
- garb
- gall
- gabble
- garble
- gas
- gaiter
- garden
- gang
- gash
- gangrene
- garland
- gangway
- gen
- geyser
- get
- germ
- gender
- gentle
- geld
- gear
- gem
- gee
- gel
- general
- generate
- gelding
- gesture
- generalize
- germinate
- genuflect
- gelt
- gerrymander
- geniculate
- gestate
- gesticulate
- generalise
- gentrify
- geminate
- gelatinize
- gelatinise
- getter
- geal
- geck
- geste
- gemote
- gesse
- gemmate
- geologize
Read all verbs that start with GE
- ghost
- ghettoize
- ghostwrite
- ghettoise
- ghess
- given
- gibe
- gird
- gilt
- girdle
- giddy
- ginger
- gimlet
- gift
- gig
- giggle
- gimp
- girth
- gin
- gild
- gibber
- gibbet
- gill
- give
- gip
- gib
- gibberish
- gi
- gittern
- girt
- gimme
- ginning
- gie
- gingle
- giftwrap
- gise
- gimblet
- giantize
- gildale
- globe
- glass
- glove
- glow
- glower
- glad
- glaze
- glide
- gloom
- gleam
- glean
- glory
- glint
- glue
- gloss
- glum
- glance
- glut
- glib
- gloat
- glare
- glutton
- glaciate
- gladden
- glimmer
- glimpse
- glorify
- glamour
- glisten
- glister
- glitter
- gleet
- gloam
- glom
- glug
- glamorize
- gnarl
- gnash
- gnaw
- gnar
- gnide
- gnosticize
- gob
- gobbet
- gobble
- gouge
- gore
- god
- gorge
- golf
- govern
- good
- gown
- go
- goad
- goggle
- gospel
- gossip
- goose
- gong
- gold
- goof
- godfather
- gormandize
- goffer
- goldbrick
- gormandise
- gourmandize
- gourmandise
- gotta
- golly
- gowk
- gowl
- goster
- gollop
- gorm
- gothicize
- grieve
- grade
- grit
- grave
- gravel
- group
- grunt
- graven
- groan
- grouse
- grill
- grille
- grout
- greet
- grove
- graft
- grovel
- grime
- gray
- groin
- grow
- growl
- graze
- grin
- groom
- grey
- grind
- grasp
- grain
- grease
- grass
- grub
- groove
- grope
- grip
- gripe
- gut
- guilt
- gutter
- guise
- gulch
- gulf
- guzzle
- gull
- guess
- gully
- guest
- gurgle
- gulp
- guffaw
- gum
- guy
- gush
- guide
- guard
- gusset
- gust
- guild
- gun
- guaranty
- guardian
- guillotine
- guttle
- guggle
- guarantee
- gumshoe
- gudgeon
- guerdon
- guesstimate
- guardant
- gule
- gurge
- gybe
- gyrate
- gyp
- gypsy
- gyre
- gyve
- gye
- gyn
- gynno
- gyrland