Adjectives that start with A
We have listed 658 adjectives that start with A for you in this WordMom word list. All these adjectives starting with A were verified by specialists in the English language.
- aaronic
- aaronical
- ablaze
- able
- abed
- abloom
- abroad
- absurd
- abrupt
- abase
- absent
- abuzz
- abject
- about
- above
- abrasive
- ablative
- abreast
- abstract
- abridged
- abstruse
- abrogate
- aberrant
- abnormal
- abashed
- abundant
- abused
- abiding
- abusive
- absolute
- abortive
- abysmal
- abyssal
- absorbent
- abdominal
- absorbing
- absorptive
- abstemious
Read all adjectives that start with AB
- acting
- acute
- ace
- acid
- acidic
- active
- accept
- actual
- aching
- acrid
- acetic
- acrylic
- accurate
- accursed
- accused
- accusing
- acetonic
- acoustic
- acerbic
- achy
- accepted
- academic
- actuate
- accidental
- acrimonious
- accumulate
- achromatic
- accumulative
- acrobatic
- accusative
- acold
- accusatory
- accustomed
- accommodate
- accompanying
- acoustical
- adrift
- adroit
- adagio
- adapt
- adult
- adjoin
- adept
- addle
- adorn
- adherent
- adhesive
- adrenal
- adverse
- admired
- adamant
- advisory
- adipose
- adenoid
- adaptive
- adjacent
- addable
- addicted
- adjunct
- advance
- advanced
- adopted
- adequate
- adoptive
- additive
- adorable
- addled
- adored
- adoring
- adventurous
- adverbial
- adversary
Read all adjectives that start with AD
- aerial
- aerated
- aery
- aesthetic
- aerobic
- aerodynamic
- aeronautic
- aeronautical
- aeonian
- aeriform
- aestival
- aecial
- aeolian
- aeolotropic
- aesthetical
- aerobiotic
- aetiological
- aerolitic
- aerological
- aerosolized
- aeromechanic
- aeromedical
- aerosolised
- aegean
- aesculapian
- aeriferous
- aeneous
- aerostatic
- aerostatical
- aeruginous
- aeschylean
- aerologic
- aerometric
- aerophilic
- aerophilous
- aetiologic
- afghan
- afire
- aflame
- afloat
- afoot
- afoul
- afraid
- aft
- after
- afflict
- affluent
- affable
- aflutter
- affected
- afferent
- affine
- affirmative
- affixed
- affordable
- aftermath
- afeard
- aforesaid
- aforethought
- affecting
- affectionate
- affiliated
- affinal
- affined
- afflicted
- affright
- aforementioned
- affirmable
- affirmatory
- affixal
- affixial
- afflictive
- agape
- aghast
- agile
- aging
- agreed
- aged
- ageing
- agleam
- agent
- aglow
- ago
- agog
- agrarian
- agitated
- ageless
- aglitter
- aground
- agnostic
- agonized
- agreeable
- agitating
- agricultural
- agnate
- agglomerate
- agglomerated
- agglutinate
- agone
- aguish
- aggravated
- agonised
- aggravating
- agamic
- aggregate
- agonizing
- aggressive
- agraphic
Read all adjectives that start with AG
- ahead
- ahorse
- ahorseback
- ahistorical
- ahungered
- airy
- ailing
- air
- airless
- aided
- aimless
- aired
- airsick
- airtight
- airborne
- airlike
- airworthy
- ain
- airheaded
- aidant
- aidful
- aisled
- aidless
- aigre
- aisless
- airometer
- ajar
- akimbo
- akin
- akinesic
- alien
- allied
- alone
- aloof
- alight
- alder
- all
- alike
- alto
- algal
- alpha
- alpine
- alive
- alert
- alkaloid
- alienate
- alfresco
- alluring
- allusive
- alluvial
- aleatory
- alleged
- almighty
- alarmed
- alarming
- allegro
- alarmist
- alveolar
- alkaline
- alcoholic
- alternate
- alternating
- alienable
- alternative
- alienating
- allotted
- ample
- amused
- amazed
- amiss
- amber
- amenable
- ambient
- amyloid
- amnesic
- amino
- amniotic
- amiable
- amok
- amateur
- amicable
- amatory
- ambulant
- amusing
- amazing
- amorous
- amendable
- ambiguous
- amended
- amalgamate
- amalgamated
- amphibian
- amphibious
- ambitious
- amnesiac
- amethyst
- amoebic
- ambrosial
- amateurish
- amuck
- ambulatory
- amorphous
Read all adjectives that start with AM
- any
- annual
- angled
- annul
- animal
- angry
- anime
- anal
- antic
- annoyed
- annoying
- analog
- andante
- analogue
- anatomic
- antlered
- annular
- aniline
- anaemia
- another
- anaemic
- anti
- angelic
- android
- antsy
- anodyne
- antique
- animate
- animated
- antacid
- animist
- anterior
- anxious
- angular
- anarchic
- annelid
- aortic
- aoristic
- aortal
- aonian
- apart
- apical
- apple
- apex
- apish
- appall
- apt
- apostate
- approved
- applied
- aphasic
- applique
- apparent
- apposite
- apodal
- apprehensive
- aphrodisiac
- apathetic
- apostolic
- apian
- approachable
- approaching
- apelike
- appropriate
- appetizing
- apologetic
- approving
- approximate
- appalled
- appalling
- appurtenant
- applicable
- apropos
- appointive
- appealing
- apoplectic
Read all adjectives that start with AP
- aquatic
- aqueous
- aquiline
- aquiferous
- aquicultural
- aquacultural
- aquaphobic
- aquarial
- aquarian
- aquose
- aquatile
- aquiform
- aquatical
- aquiparous
- aquitanian
- aquilated
- arctic
- artful
- ardent
- areal
- arched
- arable
- armed
- arid
- arcane
- arrant
- arch
- argent
- archaic
- artisan
- armored
- archaism
- armorial
- artistic
- artless
- arching
- arrogant
- archival
- arduous
- aromatic
- arboreal
- arguable
- arsenic
- armchair
- arty
- articled
- arced
- arterial
- ariose
- arrhythmic
- arioso
- armoured
- askew
- aslant
- astute
- asleep
- astir
- aspen
- ashen
- ashy
- astray
- astral
- aspirant
- aspirate
- aspiring
- asinine
- asteroid
- askance
- asunder
- aseptic
- asexual
- ashamed
- assonant
- astound
- assorted
- assumed
- assuming
- assured
- assuring
- ascetic
- assiduous
- astrological
- assignable
- assigned
- assimilating
- astronomic
- astronomical
- askant
- attic
- atrial
- atilt
- ataxic
- atomic
- atonal
- attired
- athirst
- athletic
- atypical
- atheist
- atonic
- attested
- attitudinal
- atrip
- atrocious
- attractable
- atrophied
- attractive
- attributable
- attributive
- attachable
- attached
- attacking
- attainable
- attained
- atmospheric
- attendant
- attended
- atheistic
- attentive
- attenuate
- attenuated
- atrophic
- atavistic
- attempted
- audit
- august
- auburn
- aural
- autopsy
- auditor
- auditory
- auspice
- austere
- austral
- autocrat
- autumnal
- audible
- audience
- auricular
- authorial
- autograph
- authorized
- autistic
- augmentative
- aurous
- automatic
- auspicious
- auld
- autocratic
- autonomic
- autonomous
- auxiliary
- audacious
- authentic
- auric
- authorised
- audiovisual
- autographed
- authoritative
- auditive
- avoid
- avowed
- averse
- avian
- avid
- average
- avocado
- avoidable
- avaricious
- avenged
- avuncular
- avionic
- available
- avocational
- avellane
- avellan
- aversive
- avertible
- avascular
- avertable
- avifaunal
- avirulent
- avitaminotic
- avast
- averted
- avowable
- avestan
- avicular
- avouchable
- avenaceous
- avengeful
- avifaunistic
- avocate
- aventine
- avernal
- avidious
- away
- awake
- aware
- awash
- aweigh
- awful
- awing
- awry
- awed
- awesome
- awkward
- awaited
- awakened
- awakening
- aweary
- awless
- awned
- awny
- aweless
- awestruck
- awheel
- awninged
- awnless
- awol
- awestricken
- awesomeness
- awk
- awsome
- awanting
- awlessness
- axial
- axiom
- axile
- axiomatic
- axillary
- axonal
- axenic
- axiomatical
- axiological
- axled
- axal
- axillar
- aye
- ay
- azure
- azotic
- azoic
- azonic
- azido
- azygos
- azygous
- azo
- azonal
- azotemic
- azimuthal
- azotous
- azurn
- azurine
- azymous
- azerbaijani
- aztec
- azured
- azymic
- azureous
- azorian
- azoleic