10 letter adjectives that start with T
We have listed 162 10-letter adjectives that start with T for you in this WordMom word list. All these 10-letter adjectives starting with T were verified by specialists in the English language.
- tantamount
- tangential
- tardigrade
- tautologic
- talismanic
- tapestried
- talentless
- tartareous
- taxidermic
- tautomeric
- tardigrada
- tautozonal
- tarquinish
- talmudical
- tartarated
- tartuffish
- telescopic
- tenderfoot
- testicular
- terrifying
- terminable
- telephonic
- tessellate
- telescoped
- tenderised
- tenderized
- terminated
- telepathic
- testaceous
- tetragonal
- tentacular
- tenebrific
- tenebrious
- telesmatic
- temperable
- tempestive
- tendrilled
- testudinal
- tenemental
- terrorless
- tetrabasic
- teleostean
- terneplate
- tetrastyle
- tenantable
- tenantless
- tetratomic
- tergeminal
- terrifical
- tetraboric
- teracrylic
- terpenylic
- thriftless
- thickening
- thirteenth
- thoughtful
- theocratic
- thousandth
- thundering
- thunderous
- theatrical
- threadbare
- threadlike
- threatened
- threescore
- thermionic
- threepenny
- theistical
- thwartwise
- thrombosed
- theosophic
- theopathic
- theophanic
- theurgical
- thyrotoxic
- thyrsoidal
- thiocyanic
- throneless
- thessalian
- thuringian
- thomsonian
- thyrohyoid
- thyroideal
- theobromic
- thickskull
- thiophenic
- titillated
- tiliaceous
- tinctorial
- timbrelled
- timesaving
- timocratic
- torrential
- tongueless
- topgallant
- topknotted
- totalistic
- totipotent
- tonguelike
- tormenting
- torporific
- tonguester
- tophaceous
- tobagonian
- tonsilitic
- torrentine
- toothleted
- torturable
- torulaform
- tormentful
- toppescent
- transitive
- tripartite
- transitory
- traitorous
- trabecular
- travelling
- triplicate
- tremendous
- triangular
- transfixed
- trilateral
- transverse
- treasonous
- trillionth
- triumphant
- transpolar
- transposed
- tragicomic
- triquetral
- trifoliate
- trifurcate
- trigeminal
- tripinnate
- tramontane
- triplicity
- trilingual
- trilobated
- translunar
- trihydroxy
- tritanopic
- trancelike
- triumphing
- traversing
- tractarian
- trifarious
- tripudiary
- tumultuous
- tubercular
- turtledove
- tubularian
- turbinated
- tumultuary
- turgescent
- tuitionary
- tubicolous
- tubuliform
- tungstenic
- tussicular
- twentyfold
- tyrannical
- tympanitic