10 letter adjectives that start with S
We have listed 321 10-letter adjectives that start with S for you in this WordMom word list. All these 10-letter adjectives starting with S were verified by specialists in the English language.
- satisfying
- sacerdotal
- sabbatical
- salubrious
- salutatory
- sanguinary
- sanctified
- sacrosanct
- saccharine
- sandbagger
- sanctioned
- sacculated
- saliferous
- sapiential
- sapphirine
- saxicoline
- saxicolous
- saddleback
- samarskite
- sandpapery
- salientian
- savourless
- saponified
- sarcosomal
- salverform
- sanitarian
- salifiable
- saltigrade
- salvadoran
- saxicavous
- saccharoid
- sarmentose
- sarmentous
- sarawakian
- saccharous
- sanskritic
- scandalous
- scriptural
- scientific
- scattering
- scholastic
- schismatic
- sculptural
- sculptured
- scrofulous
- scurrilous
- scrupulous
- sciolistic
- scribbling
- scrambling
- scrutinous
- scansorial
- scaturient
- scyphiform
- scutellate
- schoolwide
- sciatheric
- scomberoid
- sclavonian
- schismless
- scrotiform
- sciotheric
- scortatory
- scatebrous
- scullionly
- seventieth
- senatorial
- serpentine
- segregated
- sepulchral
- separatist
- separative
- secondhand
- sequential
- semiweekly
- seasonable
- septicemic
- semiannual
- sensitized
- sentential
- sensitised
- seamanlike
- semiopaque
- semiliquid
- seraphical
- semestrial
- semiformal
- semipublic
- seriocomic
- semitropic
- separating
- searchable
- semblative
- septicidal
- senatorian
- sebiferous
- serotinous
- securiform
- senegalese
- sexagenary
- sexangular
- shuddering
- shamefaced
- shattering
- shrillness
- shouldered
- shrinkable
- shrivelled
- shellproof
- shopsoiled
- shovelnose
- showerless
- shadowless
- shagreened
- shieldless
- sheathless
- shroudless
- shepherdly
- simplistic
- sinusoidal
- silverfish
- simplified
- sisterlike
- singhalese
- similative
- silicified
- siliculose
- simoniacal
- sincipital
- simulatory
- sinistrous
- sibilatory
- silverless
- singultous
- siphuncled
- sigaultian
- sightproof
- silentious
- sigillated
- siliginose
- sinapoleic
- skinnerian
- slanderous
- sleeveless
- slatternly
- slumberous
- slithering
- sleightful
- smoldering
- smoothness
- smothering
- smoothbore
- smoothened
- smaragdine
- smoterlich
- solicitous
- solidified
- soundproof
- socialised
- socialized
- southbound
- sobersided
- softheaded
- sophomoric
- southernly
- soniferous
- solifidian
- solipedous
- solivagant
- solecistic
- somniative
- solstitial
- sorrowless
- sociologic
- somniatory
- sorbonical
- socratical
- solivagous
- solicitate
- spheroidal
- spiritless
- spellbound
- spirituous
- speechless
- springlike
- splattered
- splanchnic
- sphacelate
- spectacled
- spiderlike
- springless
- spongelike
- spagyrical
- sponsional
- specifical
- spinaceous
- spouseless
- spatangoid
- spathulate
- spinescent
- spleenless
- sporadical
- spumescent
- spoliative
- spoliatory
- spondaical
- splendrous
- sphenoidal
- sprightful
- spongiform
- spadiceous
- spiracular
- spheroidic
- spherulate
- spathiform
- squeezable
- squandered
- squamulose
- squadroned
- squamiform
- squalodont
- squamulate
- squillitic
- staggering
- stupendous
- stochastic
- stertorous
- statuesque
- stentorian
- starveling
- structural
- structured
- stratified
- struggling
- straggling
- stiffening
- stationary
- stationery
- stupefying
- stabilised
- stabilized
- streetwise
- sterilised
- stalemated
- sterilized
- stimulated
- strawboard
- starchlike
- stormbound
- stockinged
- stormproof
- stammering
- stuttering
- straddling
- strobiline
- struthious
- starchless
- stigmatose
- strictured
- succeeding
- sulphurous
- successful
- successive
- subjection
- subjective
- subscribed
- submissive
- substitute
- sufficient
- subsequent
- supplicant
- surmounted
- suspicious
- superhuman
- subsidiary
- sublimated
- surpassing
- supporting
- supportive
- sublingual
- surprising
- suborbital
- subversive
- suggestive
- surefooted
- surrounded
- supervised
- subjugated
- supersonic
- subsurface
- subsidized
- subliminal
- suppressed
- subaquatic
- subaqueous
- swaggering
- sweetbread
- sweetheart
- sweltering
- swaybacked
- syphilitic
- synonymous
- syncopated
- systematic
- symbolical
- syncarpous
- synergetic
- synoecious
- synchronal
- synoptical
- synchronic
- synclastic
- syllabical
- symphyseal
- synanthous
- syndetical
- systemless
- synpelmous
- synthermal
- symplectic
- synteretic