10 letter adjectives that start with L
We have listed 100 10-letter adjectives that start with L for you in this WordMom word list. All these 10-letter adjectives starting with L were verified by specialists in the English language.
- lachrymose
- lascivious
- landlocked
- lackluster
- lacklustre
- languorous
- lamentable
- landscaped
- lapidarian
- lanceolate
- lacustrine
- lactogenic
- laminating
- landowning
- lavatorial
- lamarckian
- lardaceous
- laciniated
- labionasal
- lackadaisy
- laminarian
- lanuginose
- lanuginous
- lageniform
- lawyerlike
- lactescent
- lambdoidal
- lacerative
- lamellated
- lanigerous
- lauraceous
- lachrymary
- lascivient
- laurentian
- latinistic
- largifical
- legitimacy
- legitimate
- lengthwise
- leguminous
- lengthened
- lengthways
- lenticular
- lentissimo
- levorotary
- legalistic
- leisurable
- letterless
- leptorhine
- leibnizian
- levogyrate
- lexiphanic
- lenocinant
- lemuridous
- leucoturic
- libidinous
- liturgical
- linguistic
- licentious
- lightproof
- liliaceous
- liquescent
- lighterman
- lipophilic
- lipotropic
- listenable
- lithuanian
- linguiform
- limicoline
- licensable
- limitarian
- lincolnian
- lithologic
- ligamental
- lithotomic
- liberatory
- lignoceric
- lipothymic
- lithotypic
- linigerous
- lithobilic
- logistical
- locomotive
- loquacious
- loxodromic
- longheaded
- logometric
- lomatinous
- lusterless
- lustreless
- lugubrious
- lubricated
- lubricious
- lucifugous
- lusitanian
- lumbricoid
- luciferous
- ludibrious
- luciferian
- lyriferous