10 letter adjectives that start with A
We have listed 395 10-letter adjectives that start with A for you in this WordMom word list. All these 10-letter adjectives starting with A were verified by specialists in the English language.
- absorptive
- abstemious
- abstention
- abstracted
- abominable
- aboriginal
- abbreviate
- absolutist
- aboveboard
- abdominous
- abranchial
- absorbable
- abstergent
- abstersive
- aberdonian
- abrogative
- abortional
- absolutory
- absolvable
- abdicative
- abjuratory
- abyssinian
- abjunctive
- ablastemic
- ablegation
- abnegative
- abhorrible
- absentment
- absinthial
- abiogenous
- accidental
- accumulate
- achromatic
- accusative
- accusatory
- accustomed
- acoustical
- acquainted
- actionable
- acquirable
- accountant
- acceptable
- achievable
- accredited
- accessible
- activating
- accoutered
- acrogenous
- acephalous
- acetabular
- acetylenic
- acarpelous
- acronymous
- activistic
- acrophobic
- academical
- acherontic
- actiniform
- acroamatic
- acanthotic
- aciculated
- acrolithic
- accordable
- acronychal
- actionless
- accostable
Read all 10 letter adjectives that start with AC
- admissible
- admonitory
- adulterant
- adulterate
- adjectival
- adulterous
- adolescent
- adjustable
- additional
- adrenergic
- advertised
- adactylous
- adamantine
- admittable
- adaptative
- adulterine
- adjunctive
- adjuratory
- adsorbable
- adsorptive
- addlepated
- advantaged
- adiactinic
- admirative
- adamantean
- adscripted
- admittible
- advocatory
- admonitive
- adipescent
- adaptorial
- adenotomic
- adfiliated
- aeronautic
- aerobiotic
- aeriferous
- aerostatic
- aeruginous
- aeschylean
- aerometric
- aerophilic
- aetiologic
- affordable
- affiliated
- affirmable
- afflictive
- afflicting
- affinitive
- affrontive
- affiliable
- aforegoing
- aforenamed
- affectible
- affectuous
- aforecited
- aggravated
- aggressive
- aggregated
- agrypnotic
- agnostical
- agrestical
- agalactous
- ahorseback
- alienating
- alimentary
- altruistic
- alphabetic
- albuminous
- allegretto
- allergenic
- alleviated
- alliaceous
- alkaloidal
- allotropic
- albinistic
- aldermanic
- aldermanly
- alpestrine
- albuminoid
- allogamous
- allomerous
- allopathic
- alchemical
- alterative
- alacritous
- allargando
- alphameric
- allogeneic
- allometric
- algolagnic
- allopatric
- alkahestic
- allophonic
- altisonant
- allonymous
- algometric
- algonquian
- algophobic
- allhallown
- amalgamate
- amphibious
- amateurish
- ambulatory
- ambivalent
- amygdaloid
- ammoniacal
- ammoniated
- amendatory
- amylaceous
- amphoteric
- amylolytic
- ametabolic
- ambulacral
- amygdaline
- amerciable
- amerceable
- amphibolic
- ampliative
- amoebiform
- amianthoid
- amphigoric
- amatorious
- ambagitory
- amygdalate
- ambidexter
- ambigenous
- ambilevous
- ambiparous
- amentiform
- amplectant
- amblygonal
- ampullated
- amasthenic
- amphigonic
- ambulative
- antecedent
- analogical
- antipodean
- antiseptic
- anesthesia
- anesthetic
- anatomical
- antisocial
- antiquated
- answerable
- antagonist
- angulation
- antithetic
- annihilate
- anthropoid
- analytical
- antiphonal
- analyzable
- antonymous
- androgenic
- antibiotic
- anticancer
- antebellum
- antimonial
- anachronic
- anamnestic
- anticipant
- anadromous
- aneurismal
- antinomian
- anatropous
- annunciate
- anticlinal
- anaglyphic
- anaglyptic
- anaplastic
- appetizing
- apologetic
- applicable
- appointive
- apoplectic
- appositive
- appraising
- aphoristic
- apocryphal
- appetising
- apolitical
- apodeictic
- appetitive
- aplacental
- apopemptic
- appealable
- appeasable
- apocarpous
- apothecial
- apotropaic
- aphaeretic
- apophyseal
- appendaged
- apolaustic
- approvable
- apollonian
- applausive
- apocopated
- apagogical
- apogametic
- apocrustic
- appendical
- aphroditic
- apiculated
- apozemical
- aporetical
- aquiferous
- aquaphobic
- aquiparous
- aquitanian
- arrhythmic
- arithmetic
- archetypal
- articulate
- artificial
- archaistic
- arbitrable
- arenaceous
- archeology
- arteriolar
- arthralgic
- arboriform
- articulary
- artistical
- araucarian
- arrogative
- argonautic
- arthrodial
- arboresque
- archeozoic
- arbuscular
- araeostyle
- armigerous
- armipotent
- arabesqued
- araneiform
- archchemic
- aristulate
- aromatical
- arboricole
- argumental
- arenarious
- arenilitic
- arthrozoic
- areometric
- armiferous
- assignable
- astronomic
- ascribable
- assailable
- astigmatic
- astonished
- astounding
- assumptive
- astringent
- asymmetric
- asymptotic
- asterisked
- asteriated
- asteroidal
- associable
- astomatous
- assentient
- ascendable
- ascendible
- assessable
- ascosporic
- assaultive
- assertable
- aspherical
- astrocytic
- associated
- astragalar
- astrologic
- asynartete
- aspiratory
- asterismal
- aspectable
- assonantal
- astrictive
- asphaltite
- asteridian
- attractive
- attachable
- attainable
- attenuated
- attracting
- atrabiliar
- atramental
- attackable
- ateleiotic
- attractile
- attemptive
- athalamous
- athanasian
- authorized
- auspicious
- autocratic
- autonomous
- authorised
- autoimmune
- automotive
- autogenous
- auriculate
- auriferous
- autogamous
- autologous
- austenitic
- autarkical
- autophytic
- autoecious
- autoerotic
- australian
- autoptical
- auditorial
- authorless
- automatous
- autacoidal
- auctionary
- audenesque
- autopsical
- aurivorous
- autostylic
- autogeneal
- avaricious
- avouchable
- avenaceous
- awlessness