10 letter adjectives that start with O
We have listed 147 10-letter adjectives that start with O for you in this WordMom word list. All these 10-letter adjectives starting with O were verified by specialists in the English language.
- obligatory
- obliterate
- obtainable
- obsequious
- observable
- obstructed
- oblongness
- objectless
- obsidional
- oblongatal
- obloquious
- objectable
- occasional
- occidental
- oculomotor
- oceangoing
- octangular
- octamerous
- octandrian
- octavalent
- octodecimo
- octogenary
- octogynous
- ochraceous
- octahedral
- octandrous
- octogynian
- oculonasal
- octagynous
- odontalgic
- odometrous
- oesophagus
- oedematous
- offenseful
- offensible
- oleaginous
- oligarchic
- oleophilic
- olivaceous
- oleiferous
- oleraceous
- oligarchal
- oleophobic
- oligochete
- oligomyold
- omnipotent
- omniscient
- omnivorous
- omniferous
- omnigenous
- omniparous
- omnivagant
- omosternal
- omiletical
- omniscious
- optimistic
- ophthalmic
- opalescent
- oppressive
- openhanded
- operculate
- oppositive
- opinionate
- ophiologic
- oppilative
- opposeless
- opiniaster
- operatical
- opiniative
- ophiurioid
- orthogonal
- orientated
- orthopedic
- orchestral
- ornamental
- oratorical
- organismic
- orbiculate
- organismal
- orographic
- orological
- orchestric
- orchideous
- ordainable
- ordovician
- originable
- orsellinic
- orthotomic
- orthodoxal
- ordinative
- oratorious
- ostensible
- ossiferous
- osculatory
- osteogenic
- ossiculate
- ossivorous
- osteologic
- otherguess
- otological
- otherguise
- otocranial
- otacoustic
- otoscopeic
- outlandish
- outrageous
- outclassed
- outflowing
- overactive
- overheated
- overmodest
- overweight
- overriding
- overpriced
- overturned
- overstated
- overloaded
- overlooked
- overhanded
- overstrung
- overgreedy
- overcoming
- overvalued
- overworked
- overground
- overruling
- overlavish
- overthwart
- overpotent
- overstrict
- overprompt
- overmellow
- overmickle
- overwasted
- overcostly
- overbarren
- overbattle
- overrigged
- overfierce
- oxidizable
- oxybenzoic
- oxybutyric
- oxycalcium
- oxycaproic
- oxychloric
- oxidulated
- oxytonical