Adjectives that start with META and contain C
We have listed 42 adjectives that start with META and contain C for you in this WordMom word list. All these adjectives starting with META and contain C were verified by specialists in the English language.
- metabolic
- metabranchial
- metacarpal
- metacentric
- metadiscoidal
- metagenetic
- metagenic
- metagastric
- metagraphic
- metallic
- metallurgic
- metallurgical
- metaleptic
- metaleptical
- metallographic
- metallical
- metalogical
- metalorganic
- metallorganic
- metamorphic
- metameric
- metamorphosic
- metantimonic
- metanephritic
- metaphysical
- metaphoric
- metaphorical
- metaphysic
- metaphrastic
- metaphosphoric
- metaphrastical
- metapectic
- metastatic
- metasilicic
- metastannic
- metathetic
- metathetical
- metathoracic
- metatungstic
- metatitanic
- metavanadic
- metazoic