Adjectives that contain S
We have listed 889 adjectives that contain S for you in this WordMom word list. All these adjectives that contain S were verified by specialists in the English language.
- aghast
- askew
- aslant
- astute
- asleep
- absurd
- august
- astir
- abase
- averse
- apish
- aspen
- ashen
- awash
- ashy
- amused
- astray
- absent
- astral
- amiss
- autopsy
- aspirant
- apostate
- aspirate
- artisan
- archaism
- airless
- adhesive
- artistic
- aspiring
- artless
- asinine
- asteroid
- adverse
- abrasive
- accursed
- bust
- busted
- best
- boyish
- brash
- basal
- base
- basque
- based
- bass
- brassy
- basset
- bush
- basso
- bushed
- bias
- biased
- basic
- bushy
- blase
- bosom
- bosomy
- busy
- boss
- bluish
- bossy
- bogus
- brisk
- bristle
- busty
- bristly
- bustling
- blowsy
- blushing
- ballast
- blessed
Read all adjectives that start with B and contain S
- close
- closed
- clumsy
- crass
- cross
- closet
- cerise
- chaste
- costly
- crusty
- cosy
- cystic
- causal
- canvas
- crisp
- coarse
- cosmic
- crispy
- custom
- cursed
- casual
- classy
- cheesy
- cliquish
- composed
- condense
- caddish
- crashing
- crescent
- childish
- crushing
- callous
- confuse
- confused
- capsular
- crimson
- drowsy
- dusk
- dusky
- dress
- dense
- dressy
- desert
- dismal
- dusty
- distal
- dorsal
- divers
- debase
- deist
- damask
- dovish
- danish
- dashed
- distract
- disrupt
- dashing
- diseased
- divisive
- drowsing
- distrait
- disloyal
- dynastic
- downcast
- disposed
- drastic
- dressed
- dullness
- deceased
- dismayed
- desolate
- deserted
Read all adjectives that start with D and contain S
- eschew
- eldest
- elvish
- effuse
- excess
- easy
- east
- elfish
- existing
- emissary
- ensuing
- elusive
- earnest
- encysted
- estuary
- erasable
- ersatz
- evasive
- enmeshed
- exhaust
- endless
- effusive
- eyeless
- embossed
- esteemed
- episodic
- emeritus
- eased
- esoteric
- exposed
- eyesore
- envious
- escaped
- easterly
- eastern
- exiguous
- fleshy
- fresco
- forest
- fresh
- fossil
- fussy
- festal
- famish
- flush
- famous
- frisk
- frisky
- flash
- foster
- fast
- fasten
- flashy
- faster
- frosty
- first
- fiscal
- fetish
- flossy
- fish
- flimsy
- false
- fishy
- fused
- fusible
- freakish
- fearless
- feverish
- fleshly
- fineness
- fissile
- fearsome
- gens
- glassy
- garish
- gassy
- guest
- greasy
- grassy
- gross
- gospel
- glossy
- gypsy
- gusty
- gratis
- grisly
- gibbous
- gristly
- gutsy
- glassful
- grievous
- greenish
- ghastly
- gorgeous
- girlish
- gunshot
- godless
- generous
- grayish
- gladsome
- gastric
- grasping
- goodish
- ghostly
- glorious
- geodesic
- ghoulish
- gushy
Read all adjectives that start with G and contain S
- hasty
- honest
- harsh
- hawser
- horse
- hush
- hushed
- husky
- hoarse
- hornless
- hydrous
- highness
- honesty
- homesick
- hospital
- hellish
- homespun
- historic
- hopeless
- hairless
- hirsute
- hapless
- hostile
- heedless
- hideous
- helpless
- hesitant
- hearsay
- hindmost
- humorous
- hothouse
- handsome
- hysteric
- hoggish
- harassed
- hessian
- insane
- insect
- inmost
- inside
- incensed
- insured
- insipid
- instinct
- illusive
- illusory
- isolated
- immodest
- igneous
- irksome
- insolent
- isomeric
- instruct
- incised
- invasive
- incisive
- incisor
- insecure
- idleness
- isthmian
- imposing
- inwards
- inspired
- insular
- inverse
- immense
- illness
- impious
- immerse
- impish
- impishly
- infamous
- justly
- joyous
- jurist
- just
- jocose
- joyless
- juristic
- jealous
- justice
- justify
- jesting
- judicious
- journalistic
- jurisdiction
- jobless
- justifiable
- justified
- judas
- jesuit
- jesuitic
- jingoistic
- juxtaposed
- jurassic
- jurisdictional
- jurisprudence
- jesuitical
- juiceless
- jawless
- jurisprudential
- justificative
- justificatory
- jewish
- jadish
- javanese
- japanese
- jessed
Read all adjectives that start with J and contain S
- knavish
- kindness
- kosher
- kitschy
- kittenish
- kaleidoscopic
- keyless
- kinaesthetic
- kinesthetic
- kabbalistic
- kurdish
- kingless
- knackish
- knotless
- keratose
- kindless
- kashmiri
- knockings
- kenspeckle
- kaleidoscopical
- keynesian
- keratogenous
- kafkaesque
- knightless
- kiplingesque
- kyrgyzstani
- kazakhstani
- kitish
- kerasine
- knappish
- kittlish
- kerish
- kirsome
- kaligenous
- kinesodic
- kecklish
- lost
- loose
- lusty
- latish
- last
- less
- lessen
- lavish
- lesser
- lousy
- lissom
- listed
- lapsed
- least
- lush
- lossless
- lumpish
- lidless
- lashing
- lowest
- lustful
- landless
- limbless
- lonesome
- leisure
- leisured
- logistic
- lowness
- lustrous
- largess
- ligneous
- largish
- lesbian
- loudness
- lasting
- lungfish
- mousy
- morose
- mass
- meshed
- measly
- mussy
- missal
- misty
- mystic
- must
- mucous
- mossy
- musty
- most
- masted
- master
- moist
- mulish
- mushy
- modest
- minus
- modish
- marshy
- musing
- masked
- musky
- mosaic
- muscatel
- meanness
- mystery
- measure
- monastic
- moonless
- measured
- mystical
- monkish
Read all adjectives that start with M and contain S
- newsy
- nosed
- nasty
- noisy
- nuts
- nasal
- nonsense
- nursed
- nauseous
- needless
- nursing
- nebulous
- noxious
- nosy
- nameless
- noisome
- nervous
- nacreous
- numerous
- nestling
- nascent
- nonexistent
- northwest
- northwestern
- nonsensical
- nonsensitive
- neoplastic
- nauseating
- necessary
- nerveless
- noiseless
- nihilistic
- necessitous
- notorious
- nefarious
- nonsexual
- odds
- osier
- odious
- oldish
- otiose
- owlish
- obese
- obtuse
- oafish
- offish
- offset
- obsolete
- outcast
- onerous
- oldster
- oversea
- overseas
- outside
- osmotic
- obscene
- overcast
- obscure
- obverse
- opposed
- opposing
- onside
- opposite
- overshot
- obvious
- odorless
- odorous
- ossified
- ominous
- oversize
- offshore
- omnibus
- pants
- porous
- pesky
- pose
- posed
- past
- presto
- pious
- pastel
- prose
- pasty
- pus
- prosy
- palish
- pass
- post
- postal
- pussy
- polish
- parish
- passe
- poised
- plus
- plush
- papist
- plushy
- pompous
- passing
- present
- pleased
- partisan
- purplish
- pleasing
- prudish
- praising
- personal
Read all adjectives that start with P and contain S
- queasy
- quits
- quietus
- quasi
- quenchless
- querulous
- questionable
- questioning
- quicksand
- quicksilver
- quarrelsome
- quickstep
- quiescent
- quintessential
- quickset
- quiesce
- quartzose
- qabalistic
- quadrasonic
- qualmish
- quirkish
- quackish
- queerish
- quietistic
- quietsome
- quartzous
- questionary
- questionless
- quaquaversal
- quadrumanous
- quarrellous
- quadrisonic
- quadrifarious
- quebecois
- quartziferous
- quadrigeminous
- rash
- rose
- raised
- raspy
- rush
- rushed
- rested
- rushy
- remiss
- risen
- rosy
- rising
- risky
- rakish
- russet
- roast
- rust
- rusty
- rustic
- riches
- reset
- robust
- rascal
- refuse
- resolute
- reckless
- roseate
- raffish
- rosebush
- roofless
- resolved
- resident
- raising
- resonant
- rasping
- residual
- salt
- scotch
- strut
- sot
- seemly
- soppy
- simian
- sleepy
- smutty
- starch
- shed
- stock
- sparse
- straw
- stupid
- slangy
- solid
- spiky
- sudden
- silty
- sandy
- said
- same
- speedy
- septic
- sic
- squab
- sure
- savant
- slough
- splay
- sulky
- serene
- small
- split
- supra
Read all adjectives that start with S and contain S
- tosh
- tasty
- tipsy
- testy
- tarsal
- thymus
- trashy
- theist
- tops
- trust
- terse
- trusty
- tusked
- tinsel
- tense
- timorous
- tactless
- tensile
- tasteful
- topless
- tension
- testate
- topmost
- tested
- tousled
- tonsured
- toilsome
- tedious
- thespian
- treeless
- testing
- theistic
- tuneless
- topsail
- twisted
- tigerish
- upmost
- unsold
- ursine
- unused
- uppish
- utmost
- usable
- used
- useful
- unjust
- upset
- usual
- unsure
- uneasy
- unseen
- unwise
- unbiased
- upstairs
- unsocial
- unsafe
- upstart
- unwashed
- unsaid
- upstream
- unshod
- unusable
- unsent
- unusual
- upraised
- unctuous
- unsuited
- unchaste
- useless
- unsorted
- unstable
- unsound
- venous
- visual
- vinous
- vassal
- vast
- vesper
- versed
- vestal
- viscid
- vested
- vagus
- verbose
- virtuoso
- virtuous
- vacuous
- varicose
- vixenish
- visceral
- various
- viscount
- vitreous
- viscous
- valorous
- visible
- vigorous
- vaporous
- vascular
- visitant
- venomous
- vicious
- vivacious
- voguish
- voluminous
- vexatious
- voiceless
- victorious
Read all adjectives that start with V and contain S
- whist
- worse
- welsh
- weasel
- wisdom
- wise
- worst
- wash
- washed
- woodsy
- washy
- west
- waste
- wasted
- westward
- wasting
- weensy
- withers
- worship
- wayside
- wolfish
- wingless
- wordless
- wiseacre
- witless
- washable
- womanish
- waggish
- wishful
- whipsaw
- wispy
- winsome
- windless
- whitish
- wistful
- weakfish
- xanthous
- xiphosuran
- xyridaceous
- xerophilous
- xanthomatous
- xylocarpous
- xylophagous
- xylophilous
- xylotomous
- xenogamous
- xiphophyllous
- xylogenous
- xiphisternal
- xyresic
- xyloplastic
- xenoglossic
- xanthopous
- xanthocarpous
- xanthodontous
- xanthospermous
- yeast
- yeasty
- youngish
- yellowish
- yokelish
- yeastlike
- yesty
- yester
- yestern
- yttrious
- ypsiloid
- yugoslav
- youthsome
- yttriferous
- yeatsian
- ypsiliform
- yugoslavian
- yogistic
- yarrish
- yieldless
- zealous
- zesty
- zestful
- zygomorphous
- zoophagous
- zincous
- zoneless
- zealless
- zionist
- zoroastrian
- zinciferous
- zoosporic
- zoogamous
- zetetics
- zairese
- zolaesque
- zingiberaceous
- zygodactylous
- zinziberaceous
- zarathustrian
- zarathustric