Adjectives that start with P and contain Y
We have listed 337 adjectives that start with P and contain Y for you in this WordMom word list. All these adjectives starting with P and contain Y were verified by specialists in the English language.
- patchy
- palmy
- paddy
- pasty
- paying
- papery
- palely
- party
- paltry
- parky
- paunchy
- payable
- pally
- panegyric
- patronymic
- panicky
- pawky
- paralytic
- paynim
- papillary
- painterly
- paroxysmal
- paramilitary
- parliamentary
- paralyzed
- parasympathetic
- panegyrical
- pachydermal
- participatory
- paroxytone
- palpatory
- pachydermatous
- pachydermic
- pachydermous
- pappy
- panary
- peachy
- pesky
- peaky
- penny
- pearly
- perky
- petty
- peaty
- pebbly
- peppery
- peppy
- petrifying
- perfunctory
- penitentiary
- pecuniary
- peremptory
- petitionary
- persnickety
- pensionary
- pelecypod
- peristylar
- pernickety
- pentasyllabic
- peery
- pewtery
- petitory
- pentadactyl
- pentadactyle
- pentagynian
- pentagynous
- petroglyphic
- perigynous
- percursory
- perspiratory
- pentastyle
- persuasory
Read all adjectives that start with PE and contain Y
- physical
- phoney
- phony
- pharyngeal
- physiologic
- physiological
- phylogenetic
- phytophagic
- phytophagous
- photosynthetic
- phyletic
- phlegmy
- phytochemical
- phagocytic
- physicochemical
- phenotypic
- phenotypical
- phyllodial
- phytoid
- phenylic
- phylloid
- phonotypic
- phonotypical
- phylacteric
- phyllotactic
- pharyngal
- phytological
- phytophilous
- phthisicky
- photoglyphic
- physiognomic
- phototypic
- phylliform
- physostomous
- phyllophagous
- phylacterical
- pimply
- pithy
- picayune
- piggy
- picky
- pituitary
- pitchy
- piscatory
- piney
- pitying
- piny
- pilary
- pily
- pipy
- pityroid
- pillowy
- picayunish
- pigmentary
- plumy
- plummy
- plucky
- plenty
- plushy
- platy
- played
- playful
- plenary
- pleasantry
- planetary
- plaguy
- playable
- plenipotentiary
- placatory
- plaguey
- platyrrhine
- platyrrhinian
- plagiary
- plashy
- plumpy
- plastery
- playsome
- platyrhine
- plebiscitary
- platyrrhinic
- playgoing
- planometry
- plauditory
- platycephalic
- platycephalous
- placitory
- platyrhinian
- platinocyanic
- platly
- pley
- pokey
- poky
- portly
- poorly
- potty
- powdery
- polyglot
- polygonal
- polyhedral
- polytechnic
- porphyritic
- polyphonic
- polytheistic
- polymeric
- podgy
- polymorphic
- polymorphous
- polynomial
- polygamist
- polyandrous
- polygamous
- polysyllabic
- portrayed
- polysemous
- popeyed
- polypetalous
- poxy
- polychrome
- polychromic
- polyphonous
- polyunsaturated
- polyvalent
- polygenic
- polyatomic
- polygynous
- polyphase
- prying
- prosy
- pretty
- proxy
- privy
- princely
- prickly
- priestly
- primacy
- primary
- priority
- prissy
- property
- pricey
- praiseworthy
- propitiatory
- prohibitory
- precursory
- promissory
- predatory
- premonitory
- profligacy
- preliminary
- probationary
- proprietary
- preparatory
- prefatory
- preachy
- prophylactic
- prayerful
- prostyle
- prototypical
- precautionary
- pricy
- proteolytic
- prokaryotic
Read all adjectives that start with PR and contain Y
- psychic
- psychiatric
- psychical
- pseudonymous
- psychedelic
- psychotic
- psychotropic
- psychoactive
- psychogenic
- psychological
- psychometric
- psychopathic
- psychosomatic
- psychoanalytic
- psychokinetic
- psychometry
- psychomotor
- psychosexual
- psychiatrical
- psychogenetic
- psychoneurotic
- psychoanalytical
- pseudology
- psychologic
- psychotherapeutic
- psychrometrical
- pseudoprostyle
- psycholinguistic
- psychopathologic
- psychopathological
- psychopharmacological
- psychophysical
- psychal
- psychagogic
- psychozoic
- pterygoid
- pterygomaxillary
- pterygopalatine
- pterygoquadrate
- pudgy
- putty
- pulpy
- puffy
- puny
- pussy
- pushy
- publicly
- pulmonary
- pursy
- purgatory
- purifying
- puppyish
- punitory
- pupillary
- puttyroot
- puppylike
- punchy
- puddly
- puisny
- pumy
- puckery
- puffingly
- pulsatory
- puseyite
- putry
- puseyistic
- purrificatory
- pygmy
- pyloric
- pyrotechnic
- pyramidal
- pyogenic
- pyretic
- pyrotechnical
- pyaemic
- pyrrhic
- pyemic
- pyknic
- pyroligneous
- pyrolignic
- pyramidic
- pyramidical
- pyroelectric
- pyrogallic
- pycnotic
- pyrogenic
- pyrogenous
- pyknotic
- pyrolytic
- pyrochemical
- pyrogenetic
- pyrographic
- pyoid
- pygal
- pyral
- pythonic
- pyrectic
- pyrexial
- pygmean
- pyridic
- pyriform
- pyritic
- pyritous