Adjectives that start with H and contain US
We have listed 126 adjectives that start with H and contain US for you in this WordMom word list. All these adjectives starting with H and contain US were verified by specialists in the English language.
- hazardous
- harmonious
- halogenous
- haustellate
- harborous
- haplostemonous
- haematogenous
- halituous
- harberous
- haemapodous
- heinous
- herbaceous
- herbivorous
- heterogeneous
- heterogenous
- heterologous
- heterosporous
- heteroecious
- heterozygous
- hemimetabolous
- herbous
- hercogamous
- heptagynous
- hemipterous
- heptamerous
- heptandrous
- heterogamous
- heterogynous
- hemitropous
- heterogonous
- heteroicous
- heteromerous
- heteronymous
- heteronomous
- hexagynous
- heteroousian
- hepatogenous
- hexamerous
- heterocarpous
- hemimetamorphous
- heterochromous
- heteroclitous
- heterotactous
- heterodactylous
- heterometabolous
- hexadactylous
Read all adjectives that start with HE and contain US
- hideous
- hilarious
- hindustani
- hippophagous
- hircinous
- hirtellous
- hispidulous
- hothouse
- household
- homologous
- housekeeping
- horrendous
- housewifely
- homogeneous
- housebound
- housebroken
- homonymous
- homophonous
- homogenous
- homosporous
- homozygous
- holometabolous
- housling
- homogonous
- homoiousian
- houseless
- houseling
- homomorphous
- homoousian
- homopterous
- homochromous
- homostylous
- homoecious
- homothermous
- homotonous
- homoeomerous
- homogamous
- homoeomorphous
- horrisonous
- homomallous
- homonomous
- homodynamous
- homodromous
- hush
- hushed
- husky
- humorous
- humongous
- husbandly
- husked
- husbandless
- humourous
- humifuse
- husbandable
- huswifely
- hydrous
- hymenopterous
- hypognathous
- hydrogenous
- hypochlorous
- hybridous
- hydrophanous
- hypogeous
- hypogynous
- hyponitrous
- hylophagous
- hypophosphorous
- hydrocephalous
- hysteranthous
- hyposulphurous
- hydrosulphurous
- hypophyllous
- hygrophanous
- hypothenusal
- hypognatous
- hyperdicrotous
- hydrocarbonaceous
- hypocraterimorphous
- hystricomorphous
- hypodicrotous