Countries that end with IS

You can learn about all countries ending with IS from this article. We have verified the information published in this article with multiple recognized data sources for accuracy.

Summery table of countries that end with IS
Index Country Continent Population Area
1 Saint Kitts And Nevis America 48.00 thousand 261 km2

Countries that end with IS with maps and flags

1. Saint Kitts And Nevis

A country located in the continent of America with a population of 48.00 thousand people. It comprises 261 km2 (101 mi2) of land area and 261 km2 (101 mi2) of total geo area. The capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis is Basseterre.

Countries that end with

  1. World Bank Open Data. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  2. Countries overview | World Health Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  3. Wikipedia contributors. (2023b). List of countries and dependencies by area. Wikipedia. Retrieved from