Adjectives that start with ST and contain N
We have listed 158 adjectives that start with ST and contain N for you in this WordMom word list. All these adjectives starting with ST and contain N were verified by specialists in the English language.
- stagnant
- stagnate
- staring
- stabbing
- standard
- standing
- starring
- starting
- starving
- staggering
- staunch
- stained
- standby
- stainless
- startling
- starveling
- stationary
- stationer
- stationery
- standardised
- standardized
- stabilising
- stabilizing
- standoffish
- stannic
- stannous
- statant
- statesmanlike
- standpat
- statesmanly
- staminate
- stainable
- stank
- stagflationary
- stammering
- stannary
- stern
- sterling
- steaming
- stenographic
- steepness
- stentorian
- steadying
- stereophonic
- sternal
- stenosed
- stenotic
- sternutative
- sternutatory
- stenographical
- stemson
- stenchy
- stelene
- sterned
- sternway
- stegnotic
- sternmost
- sternocostal
- stenophyllous
- steeplechasing
- steganopodous
- stentorious
- stentoronic
- sternohyoid
- stentorophonic
- stenodermine
- stenostome
- sternocoracoid
- sternomastoid
- sternothyroid
- sterquilinous
- sthenic
- stingy
- stifling
- stinging
- stinky
- stinking
- stinting
- sticking
- stirring
- stimulating
- stipendiary
- stillborn
- stiffening
- stimulant
- stingless
- stintless
- stipendless
- stibborn
- stipendiarian
- stone
- stoned
- stony
- stooping
- stockman
- stonechat
- stormbound
- stockinged
- stoneless
- stonelike
- stonyhearted
- stoloniferous
- stonish
- stonecutting
- stonebird
- stonehatch
- stonesmickle
- strain
- strong
- straying
- strained
- stricken
- straiten
- strident
- stranded
- strange
- strongly
- striking
- stringy
- strung
- straightness
- straining
- streaming
- strangled
- strangulate
- strapping
- strenuous
- stringent
- struggling
- straggling
- streamlined
- strikebound
- strengthened
- strengthening
- stringed
- strolling
- strang
- strangulated
- straddling
- strigine
- strontic
- strepent
- strobiline
- stubborn
- stung
- stunned
- stunning
- stunted
- stupendous
- stupefying
- stuttering
- stultifying
- sturnoid
- stumpiness
- stupefacient
- stultiloquent
- stygian
- styphnic