Adjectives that start with C and contain RE
We have listed 153 adjectives that start with C and contain RE for you in this WordMom word list. All these adjectives starting with C and contain RE were verified by specialists in the English language.
- careful
- careless
- careworn
- calcareous
- carefree
- catachrestic
- caesarean
- catachrestical
- categorematic
- cataphoretic
- calendered
- cankered
- capreolate
- carbureted
- cardiorespiratory
- canarese
- capreoline
- castrensial
- castrensian
- camphretic
- cancellarean
- caretuned
- centre
- cereal
- cerebral
- cesarean
- ceremonious
- censored
- centered
- cerebellar
- ceremonial
- cerebrovascular
- cerebrospinal
- centred
- cereous
- cedared
- cerebric
- cerberean
- cerebriform
- cerebroid
- cerebellous
- cerebrifugal
- cerebripetal
- cerebrose
- chartreuse
- chambered
- checkered
- chartered
- chequered
- choreographic
- churrigueresco
- churrigueresque
- chemoreceptive
- charred
- choreic
- choregraphic
- chrestomathic
- chorepiscopal
- choregraphical
- circumferential
- circumferent
- cinereous
- circumboreal
- cinerescent
- cleared
- cloistered
- clustered
- cluttered
- clearer
- clovered
- claspered
- closereefed
- core
- cohere
- covered
- colored
- cocksure
- cornered
- coherent
- concrete
- coloured
- correct
- correlate
- correlative
- compressed
- compressible
- corporeal
- congregate
- concurrent
- correctable
- correctional
- corrective
- considered
- correlated
- correspondent
- corresponding
- comprehended
- comprehensible
- comprehensive
- configured
- congregational
- congressional
- corrected
- correlational
- countercurrent
- comprehendible
- colorectal
- coreferential
- creepy
- creamy
- creole
- create
- crescent
- credible
- crested
- creeping
- creaky
- creamery
- creative
- crepuscular
- crescendo
- credential
- creditable
- credited
- crossbred
- credulous
- crestfallen
- cretaceous
- cretinous
- crematory
- creaminess
- credal
- crenate
- crenated
- creedal
- creditworthy
- crenulate
- crenulated
- creaseless
- credentialled
- credentialed
- cressy
- crestless
- creeky
- cured
- cultured
- current
- cureless
- cupreous
- cultureless
- cyrenaic
- cyrenian
- cytherean