Adjectives that start with B and contain RE
We have listed 99 adjectives that start with B and contain RE for you in this WordMom word list. All these adjectives starting with B and contain RE were verified by specialists in the English language.
- barred
- barren
- bare
- barefoot
- barreled
- battered
- bareback
- bared
- barefooted
- barehanded
- bareheaded
- barelegged
- barrelled
- barebacked
- barefaced
- baccalaureate
- backbreaking
- bacteremic
- barehead
- bannered
- balustered
- barbaresque
- barbre
- barenecked
- bereaved
- bereft
- beforehand
- bewildered
- belligerent
- bewhiskered
- besprent
- beavered
- beleaguered
- bizarre
- bidirectional
- bistered
- bistred
- bicolored
- bicoloured
- birefringent
- bimotored
- bicarbureted
- bicrenate
- bicrescentic
- birectangular
- blurred
- blubbered
- blinkered
- bleared
- bladdered
- bleareye
- bored
- bothered
- boreal
- bordered
- bouldered
- bolstered
- brevet
- breezy
- bread
- breadth
- breasted
- breeding
- brent
- breakable
- breakneck
- breastbone
- breathed
- breathing
- breathless
- breakaway
- breathtaking
- breeched
- breechloader
- bregmatic
- breaded
- breton
- breathable
- breme
- briered
- breadless
- brevipennate
- breastless
- breathful
- brecciated
- breezeless
- breaden
- breviped
- briarean
- breachy
- breadthless
- brevirostral
- bretful
- burred
- bureaucratic
- buttressed
- butterfingered
- burel
- bureaucratical