11 letter adjectives that start with S
We have listed 277 11-letter adjectives that start with S for you in this WordMom word list. All these 11-letter adjectives starting with S were verified by specialists in the English language.
- sacramental
- sacrificial
- sanctioning
- saprophytic
- salvageable
- satisfiable
- sabbatarian
- saponaceous
- sanguineous
- sarcolemmal
- sagittiform
- salsuginous
- saltatorial
- salicaceous
- saturnalian
- sarcolemmic
- sarcomatous
- sapotaceous
- salvadorean
- saracenical
- sacciferous
- sarcastical
- sabbathless
- sackclothed
- sarcolactic
- saltpetrous
- sanctionary
- saxifragant
- saxifragous
- sandaliform
- saccharinic
- saccharonic
- sapientious
- scrumptious
- scattershot
- scintillant
- scorpaenoid
- scotomatous
- scoundrelly
- scrobicular
- scalariform
- scholiastic
- scoriaceous
- scalpriform
- scepterless
- sceptreless
- scammoniate
- scutellated
- scolopacine
- scholarlike
- scapholunar
- scopiferous
- scintillous
- scorbutical
- scribatious
- sclerotical
- scutcheoned
- scutibranch
- scorpioidal
- scutiferous
- scizorhinal
- seventeenth
- sententious
- sentimental
- semimonthly
- sedimentary
- sensational
- sequestered
- secretarial
- serviceable
- semiskilled
- semiprivate
- seismologic
- sensitizing
- sensitising
- sexagesimal
- sempiternal
- serological
- semiaquatic
- septentrial
- septentrion
- septiferous
- septifragal
- sesquialter
- sesquipedal
- serpiginous
- seigneurial
- seigniorial
- semidiurnal
- sextodecimo
- semipalmate
- semicircled
- seychellois
- septifluous
- semicompact
- septinsular
- semispheric
- shallowness
- shortcoming
- shamanistic
- shorthanded
- shelterless
- shintoistic
- shorlaceous
- significant
- sinistrorse
- sinological
- sipunculoid
- singaporean
- sigillative
- siphorhinal
- siphuncular
- siliqyiform
- slaughtered
- slumberless
- smouldering
- smithsonian
- socialistic
- sophistical
- softhearted
- solanaceous
- soldierlike
- somniferous
- sociopathic
- somatogenic
- sodomitical
- somnambular
- somnambulic
- somniculous
- somnifugous
- solenaceous
- societarian
- solenoglyph
- sordiferous
- specialized
- splayfooted
- specifiable
- spontaneous
- spectacular
- spiritually
- spendthrift
- speculative
- spermicidal
- specialised
- spindlelegs
- sporogenous
- splendorous
- spherulitic
- spasmatical
- spasmodical
- sphacelated
- spodomantic
- spathaceous
- spiniferous
- spinigerous
- splenetical
- sporophoric
- speculatory
- spermatical
- splendidous
- sprightless
- spritefully
- sphyraenoid
- spiciferous
- spumiferous
- spiculiform
- sporiferous
- spitscocked
- spiritielle
- squamaceous
- squamellate
- squarrulose
- squintifego
- stimulating
- stimulative
- statistical
- stipendiary
- stereotyped
- strangulate
- strategical
- straitlaced
- streamlined
- stabilising
- stabilizing
- standoffish
- strikebound
- stretchable
- stereotypic
- statesmanly
- stipulatory
- stultifying
- stigmatical
- stramineous
- staurolitic
- styliferous
- strongyloid
- stipitiform
- strengthful
- stalactical
- stalactitic
- stalagmitic
- strategetic
- stomachical
- stomachless
- staggerwort
- stertorious
- stabiliment
- stipendless
- strigillose
- suppressive
- surrounding
- superficial
- substantial
- submersible
- supervisory
- substantive
- superfluous
- susceptible
- subjunctive
- subtropical
- superlative
- suffocating
- subservient
- supportable
- sustainable
- subordinate
- suggestible
- superscript
- substandard
- suspenseful
- suppurative
- subtractive
- superjacent
- suffocative
- superlunary
- supernatant
- sublittoral
- subclinical
- submergible
- summational
- subcortical
- subterminal
- subliterary
- supernormal
- sulfuretted
- swallowtail
- swordplayer
- synergistic
- symmetrical
- symptomatic
- synchronous
- sympathetic
- sycophantic
- syntactical
- syllogistic
- sympetalous
- synthetical
- symphonious
- synesthetic
- symptomless
- synecdochic
- syntagmatic
- synonymical
- sylvestrian
- synagogical
- syncretical
- synsepalous
- sylleptical
- syndyasmian
- sybaritical
- symbolistic
- synsemantic
- syngenesian
- synclinical
- sylvicoline
- synallaxine
- syndactylic