Animals that start with B
We have listed 65 animals that start with B for you in this WordMom word list. All these animals starting with B were validated using recognized data sources.
- barb
- badger
- bat
- baboon
- barnacle
- barracuda
- bandicoot
- barn owl
- basking shark
- basset hound
- balinese
- banded palm civet
- basenji dog
- bactrian camel
- bavarian mountain hound
- bear
- beetle
- beagle
- beaver
- bengal tiger
- bernese mountain dog
- bearded collie
- bearded dragon
- bedlington terrier
- bison
- bird
- binturong
- birman
- bichon frise
- birds of paradise
- bloodhound
- black bear
- blue whale
- black rhinoceros
- blue lacy dog
- black russian terrier
- black widow spider
- bluetick coonhound
- booby
- bobcat
- bongo
- bonobo
- bombay
- boxer dog
- bolognese dog
- border collie
- border terrier
- borneo elephant
- boston terrier
- bottle nosed dolphin
- boykin spaniel
- brown bear
- brazilian terrier
- bulldog
- bullfrog
- buffalo
- butterfly
- budgerigar
- burmese
- bull mastiff
- bull shark
- bull terrier
- butterfly fish
- bumble bee
- burrowing frog