9 letter general words with friends adjectives that start with C
We have listed 243 9-letter general words with friends adjectives that start with C for you in this WordMom word list. All these 9-letter general words with friends adjectives starting with C were verified by specialists in the English language.
- casuistic
- cantering
- casuistry
- capillary
- cankerous
- cavernous
- calloused
- carnation
- cardboard
- captivate
- calorific
- catalytic
- causative
- causeless
- canonical
- capacious
- cantabile
- carousing
- cathartic
- carpetbag
- cathedral
- catatonic
- cancelled
- cancerous
- canonised
- canonized
- castrated
- calcaneal
- carmelite
- cachectic
- calycinal
- capsulate
- camphoric
- calicular
- calycular
- capitular
Read all 9 letter general words with friends adjectives that start with CA
- cenobitic
- celestial
- censorial
- ceaseless
- centenary
- celluloid
- cellulose
- certified
- centrical
- cetaceous
- cespitose
- cercarial
- ceilinged
- cephalous
- ceraceous
- censorian
- centurial
- cerberean
- cercarian
- ceruleous
- cephalate
- cerebroid
- chambered
- childless
- childlike
- christian
- checkered
- chitinous
- chromatic
- cheerless
- chartered
- chequered
- cherished
- chagrined
- changeful
- chatoyant
- champaign
- chelonian
- choleraic
- chanceful
- chivalric
- chlorotic
- chancrous
- chartless
- chorionic
- cheapjack
- champleve
- chapleted
- chthonian
- chastened
- chiselled
- charmless
- chevroned
- choiceful
- chainless
- cheatable
- chloridic
- chondroid
Read all 9 letter general words with friends adjectives that start with CH
- cinematic
- civilized
- civilised
- circadian
- cisalpine
- circinate
- cimmerian
- cisgender
- cirrhotic
- citigrade
- cilicious
- cispadane
- cinereous
- cirriform
- cinchonic
- clearance
- clearness
- clamorous
- climactic
- climbable
- cloudless
- clubbable
- cloisonne
- cloistral
- cleansing
- classical
- classless
- clustered
- cluttered
- clockwise
- cleanable
- cleavable
- clathrate
- clinquant
- cloudlike
- claimable
- classific
- claustral
- clocklike
- clodpated
- clavicorn
- claviform
- clerklike
- cleverish
- cleanlily
- classible
- coagulate
- correlate
- convinced
- composing
- communist
- composite
- connubial
- covariant
- construct
- convivial
- competent
- columbine
- contented
- confusing
- concavity
- countless
- concealed
- cognitive
- contralto
- conceited
- cognizant
- conjoined
- collocate
- confident
- consoling
- confiding
- congenial
- consonant
- conjugate
- committed
- corrosive
- continent
- colloidal
- conscious
- corrugate
- congested
Read all 9 letter general words with friends adjectives that start with CO
- crescendo
- crossbred
- credulous
- cretinous
- cruciform
- crematory
- crosswise
- crotchety
- crippling
- cryogenic
- crosstown
- crapulent
- crapulous
- crownless
- crocketed
- crenulate
- crookback
- cryptical
- criterial
- crustlike
- crusading
- crestless
- creatural
- criminous
- crosiered
- cramoisie
- crustated
- craterous
- crossette
- cravatted
- crinoidal
- crispated
- crotaline
- crenelled
- craftless
- creatable
Read all 9 letter general words with friends adjectives that start with CR
- culminate
- cutthroat
- custodial
- customary
- cutaneous
- curtained
- cuneiform
- cushioned
- cuticular
- cuspidate
- cursorial
- culminant
- cuckoldly
- culpatory
- curvative
- cucullate
- curviform
- cultrated
- cuirassed
- cursorary
- cullionly
- custumary
- cylindric
- cyprinoid
- cycloidal
- cyclopean
- cytolytic
- cytologic
- cytotoxic
- cymbiform
- cynosural