9 letter adjectives that end with IC
We have listed 460 9-letter adjectives that end with IC for you in this WordMom word list. All these 9-letter adjectives ending with IC were verified by specialists in the English language.
- alcoholic
- adiabatic
- apathetic
- apostolic
- axiomatic
- acrobatic
- asthmatic
- aesthetic
- anaerobic
- arthritic
- anapestic
- algebraic
- automatic
- allegoric
- animistic
- autonomic
- antarctic
- authentic
- atheistic
- anorectic
- agronomic
- atavistic
- antigenic
- analgesic
- aleuronic
- antimonic
- asyndetic
- apodictic
- albinotic
- aldehydic
- amblyopic
- allantoic
- aphanitic
- aplanatic
- amaurotic
- aerolitic
Read all 9 letter adjectives that start with A and end with IC
- bombastic
- ballistic
- bregmatic
- bismuthic
- bibliotic
- bicentric
- bigeneric
- blastemic
- benthonic
- brahminic
- britannic
- baptistic
- bezoardic
- babylonic
- benthamic
- brahmanic
- bullantic
- bezoartic
- casuistic
- cenobitic
- climactic
- cinematic
- calorific
- catalytic
- chromatic
- cathartic
- catatonic
- copacetic
- cryogenic
- cachectic
- camphoric
- cylindric
- cacodylic
- catoptric
- choleraic
- chivalric
- chlorotic
- calendric
- cadaveric
- chorionic
- catabatic
- catabolic
- coseismic
- copasetic
- catalatic
- categoric
- cytolytic
- cytologic
- copesetic
- cacogenic
- caffeinic
- cytotoxic
- cathectic
- cirrhotic
Read all 9 letter adjectives that start with C and end with IC
- diastolic
- diacritic
- diametric
- dyspeptic
- demagogic
- dialectic
- dysphoric
- dyslectic
- dolomitic
- dendritic
- dianoetic
- dimorphic
- dualistic
- dyspnoeic
- diarrheic
- dizygotic
- dithionic
- digraphic
- demiurgic
- dracontic
- didelphic
- diastasic
- dolorific
- diastatic
- diactinic
- dichromic
- diathetic
- digastric
- diaeretic
- doleritic
- diaphonic
- dioristic
- diploetic
- dichastic
- desoxalic
- delphinic
Read all 9 letter adjectives that start with D and end with IC
- embryonic
- egotistic
- energetic
- eccentric
- epileptic
- extrinsic
- enigmatic
- epidermic
- enzymatic
- epistemic
- ergonomic
- etiologic
- embryotic
- epiphytic
- encaustic
- epicyclic
- epizootic
- exergonic
- epilithic
- eudemonic
- eutrophic
- endoergic
- endogamic
- endogenic
- evangelic
- emplastic
- endeictic
- epithetic
- exodontic
- euchloric
- excentric
- elenchtic
- epinastic
- exosmotic
- epistolic
- euplastic
Read all 9 letter adjectives that start with E and end with IC
- fantastic
- fascistic
- formulaic
- fluviatic
- frangulic
- fluoboric
- geometric
- gymnastic
- geriatric
- grammatic
- genotypic
- geophytic
- geomantic
- gadolinic
- graphitic
- gnathonic
- geostatic
- geotropic
- gentianic
- gynobasic
- glyoxalic
- geocyclic
- grandific
- homiletic
- honorific
- heuristic
- hydraulic
- hypotonic
- homologic
- hyperemic
- hyperopic
- homonymic
- haploidic
- hemolytic
- hegemonic
- hydriodic
- hanseatic
- homotaxic
- homotypic
- hematitic
- hyostylic
- hexatomic
- hydantoic
- holethnic
- homopolic
- hypogaeic
- hexabasic
- homodemic
- idiomatic
- intrinsic
- isotropic
- impolitic
- isometric
- inorganic
- inelastic
- ischaemic
- imbecilic
- isoclinic
- isosmotic
- isocyclic
- ideologic
- icelandic
- ischiadic
- ischiatic
- isocyanic
- isopycnic
- indigotic
- isorropic
- isosporic
- ileocolic
- inergetic
- inerratic
- isocrymic
- islamitic
- indoxylic
- idealogic
- isatropic
- inductric
- jacobinic
- jatrophic
- judaistic
- jacobitic
- katabolic
- katabatic
- kinematic
- kynurenic
- kinesodic
- kainozoic
- lethargic
- lymphatic
- lysogenic
- lienteric
- lamaistic
- lapidific
- lateritic
- lupulinic
- logaoedic
- levulinic
- lecanoric
- lombardic
- larixinic
- monarchic
- messianic
- metabolic
- monotonic
- morphemic
- mutagenic
- macaronic
- myopathic
- monatomic
- monogenic
- mydriatic
- metameric
- monotypic
- metonymic
- misogynic
- masoretic
- monogamic
- miasmatic
- monogynic
- metagenic
- monobasic
- morphotic
- meroistic
- mycologic
- melanotic
- melanuric
- mesoxalic
- methionic
- mesaconic
- monandric
- meconinic
- moroxylic
- melilotic
- muzarabic
- mycomelic
- neuralgic
- nostalgic
- nephritic
- neolithic
- nonpublic
- noncyclic
- nicotinic
- nonechoic
- nazaritic
- neocosmic
- nonylenic
- naphthoic
- obstetric
- orgiastic
- onomastic
- orthoptic
- oncologic
- oecumenic
- oenanthic
- omophagic
- otolithic
- ontogenic
- ontologic
- orthoepic
- opthalmic
- organific
- oligistic
- oxyacetic
- oxybromic
- oxyphenic
- onomantic
- panoramic
- panegyric
- paregoric
- parasitic
- patriotic
- pneumatic
- parabolic
- pedagogic
- polymeric
- pharisaic
- prismatic
- paralytic
- prophetic
- pragmatic
- protozoic
- psychotic
- pediatric
- pietistic
- pyramidic
- phrenetic
- plethoric
- paleozoic
- pharaonic
- prostatic
- patristic
- pneumonic
- puritanic
- polygenic
- pyrogenic
- pyrolytic
- pantropic
- prodromic
- pianistic
- polytypic
- prakritic
- ptolemaic
Read all 9 letter adjectives that start with P and end with IC
- quadratic
- rheumatic
- realistic
- rhapsodic
- rheologic
- ricinolic
- roccellic
- statistic
- subarctic
- schematic
- stigmatic
- sarcastic
- sulphuric
- spasmodic
- symmetric
- subatomic
- stylistic
- scorbutic
- syntactic
- splenetic
- sclerotic
- strategic
- sophistic
- symphonic
- synthetic
- sybaritic
- soporific
- subtropic
- symbiotic
- sudorific
- shambolic
- syncretic
- spermatic
- stomachic
- serologic
- sympatric
- saprozoic
- stemmatic
- strychnic
- semeiotic
- salicylic
- stromatic
- spanaemic
Read all 9 letter adjectives that start with S and end with IC
- theoretic
- traumatic
- taxonomic
- triclinic
- thalassic
- topologic
- transonic
- thermotic
- trichroic
- threnetic
- trimetric
- theoremic
- tricrotic
- trochilic
- theandric
- thearchic
- theogonic
- triatomic
- trachytic
- theologic
- trilithic
- tsaristic
- titanitic
- trimellic
- tartralic
- tartramic
- tartrelic
- tartronic
- teleozoic
- tesseraic
- teraconic
- terpentic
- undynamic
- unmelodic
- unpolitic
- undecylic
- undecolic
- unelastic
- uropoetic
- vitriolic
- vaporific
- vibrionic
- wolframic
- xenogenic
- zygomatic
- zymolytic
- zoophytic
- zeugmatic
- zoophoric
- zoosporic
- zymogenic
- zymologic