7 letter general adjectives that start with S
We have listed 372 7-letter general adjectives that start with S for you in this WordMom word list. All these 7-letter general adjectives starting with S were verified by specialists in the English language.
- satisfy
- salient
- sackful
- sainted
- sapient
- saintly
- saffron
- sapless
- satanic
- salvage
- salable
- satiate
- saurian
- sagging
- salving
- satiric
- satyric
- saddled
- savoury
- sapiens
- sauteed
- saccule
- saltish
- sarcoid
- sapphic
- sanious
- salsify
- saclike
- savable
- salival
- sarcous
- saccate
- sauroid
- saharan
- sabahan
- scratch
- sciatic
- scatter
- scrawny
- scalene
- scrotal
- scaling
- scrubby
- scraggy
- scented
- scarlet
- scrappy
- scarred
- scoured
- scruffy
- scorned
- screaky
- scapose
- scrimpy
- scythed
- scabbed
- scandic
- scaldic
- scopate
- scroggy
- scalled
- scoriac
- scutate
- scranny
- sensual
- servile
- secular
- serving
- seventh
- seaward
- seventy
- several
- seminal
- serrate
- selfish
- sexless
- serried
- seismic
- serious
- searing
- seasick
- seaside
- settled
- sensory
- seeming
- seeping
- severed
- seagirt
- sessile
- sensate
- sequent
- secondo
- seismal
- septate
- seeable
- secured
- semitic
- sebacic
- senecan
- selenic
- sfumato
- shrubby
- sharing
- shallow
- showery
- sharpen
- shivery
- shatter
- shining
- shadowy
- shocked
- shorten
- shagged
- shrilly
- shotgun
- shelled
- shapely
- shaping
- sheared
- shouted
- shingly
- shodden
- shrimpy
- shafted
- sheaved
- shirred
- shreddy
- shavian
- shanked
- shippon
- shotted
- sheathy
- sharded
- shroudy
- sinless
- similar
- sinning
- sinuous
- sincere
- sitting
- situate
- silvery
- sickish
- sixfold
- singing
- sixteen
- sizable
- sighted
- sightly
- simplex
- sidearm
- sinuate
- sigmoid
- silvern
- siamese
- sighing
- sitfast
- silicic
- sinuose
- sittine
- sinewed
- siruped
- sickled
- simular
- sinical
- sinitic
- sideral
- sinhala
- skittle
- skyward
- skilful
- skilled
- skeptic
- sketchy
- skimmed
- skinned
- skaldic
- slouchy
- slanted
- slipper
- sleeved
- slapper
- slashed
- slender
- sliding
- slacken
- slavish
- sloping
- slurred
- slicked
- slopped
- sloshed
- sloughy
- slubbed
- slotted
- slivery
- slicken
- sleaved
- slutchy
- smashed
- smoking
- smiling
- smaller
- smitten
- smeared
- smittle
- smicker
- snarled
- snuffly
- snowcap
- sniffly
- snagged
- snakish
- snively
- snooded
- somatic
- sopping
- soprano
- soaking
- sottish
- soulful
- soaring
- sodding
- soberly
- sozzled
- soluble
- sourish
- solvent
- soignee
- sororal
- softish
- songful
- sonless
- socager
- somnial
- sociate
- springy
- spartan
- spotted
- spousal
- spastic
- spindle
- splashy
- spangly
- spaniel
- spoiled
- spatial
- spanner
- spacial
- sparing
- special
- specked
- spindly
- spidery
- spurned
- sparkly
- spirant
- spicate
- spinose
- splenic
- spinous
- spheric
- sprawly
- spurred
- spitted
- spanish
- spermic
- sponsal
- spiring
- spinate
- spooney
- spathal
- squalid
- squally
- squared
- squashy
- squishy
- squeaky
- squiffy
- squabby
- squatty
- squawky
- squinty
- squarer
- storied
- starchy
- streaky
- stubbly
- staring
- statute
- starlit
- studded
- starred
- strange
- stylish
- studied
- stoical
- styptic
- stuffed
- starved
- stacked
- sterile
- stooped
- stringy
- stalked
- stalker
- striped
- stately
- stellar
- stopped
- stilted
- stunned
- stretch
- stunted
- stiffly
- stifled
- stocked
- staunch
- stained
- standby
- surface
- subject
- sundown
- sunless
- summary
- suspect
- subdued
- surging
- sunrise
- summery
- sublime
- sugared
- supreme
- surplus
- sucking
- suckled
- surreal
- sulcate
- subacid
- sumpter
- subfusc
- sutured
- suboval
- sutural
- sudoral
- submiss
- subfusk
- suasive
- suasory
- surgent
- sumless
- succise
- sunlike
- suberic
- subtile
- swollen
- swarthy
- swagger
- swinish
- sweeten
- swelled
- sweltry
- swedish
- swarded
- sworded
- swahili
- swayful
- switchy
- synodal
- synodic
- syruped
- systyle