We have listed 32 5-letter verbs that contain AP for you in this WordMom word list. All these 5-letter verbs that contain AP were verified by specialists in the English language.
Did you know that verbs are the most important word class in the English language therefore, a verb is considered the king in the English language. In summary, verbs are used to describe what a subject does or is.
Since we are focusing on 5-letter verbs that contain AP in this list, below are some example verbs.
- Apple
- Cheap
- Drape
- Graph
- Japan
- Lapse
- Paper
- Recap
- Strap
- Taper
In English, Verbs can be categorized as transitive, intransitive, regular, irregular, etc. WordMom has rich word lists for many of those verb types. We hope these small tips about verbs helped you improve your language knowledge while you enjoy our below list of 32 5-letter verbs that contain AP
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