5 letter regular verbs that end with H
We have listed 96 5-letter regular verbs that end with H for you in this WordMom word list. All these 5-letter regular verbs ending with H were verified by specialists in the English language.
- abash
- belch
- blush
- botch
- bunch
- brush
- birth
- bitch
- birch
- beach
- batch
- berth
- bench
- crash
- catch
- crush
- couch
- cough
- coach
- clash
- cinch
- cwtch
- ditch
- earth
- fresh
- flush
- flash
- fetch
- froth
- filch
- flesh
- gnash
- girth
- graph
- hatch
- hitch
- hunch
- hutch
- leach
- lunch
- latch
- lynch
- laugh
- lurch
- leash
- letch
- mouth
- match
- mulch
- march
- munch
- mooch
- mutch
- mitch
- notch
- neigh
- peach
- perch
- plash
- punch
- pouch
- pinch
- pitch
- parch
- poach
- patch
- quash
- retch
- rough
- reach
- ranch
- swash
- slash
- sough
- smash
- swish
- slush
- shush
- stash
- slosh
- trash
- tooth
- touch
- torch
- teach
- vouch
- watch
- welsh
- winch
- wench
- worth
- weigh
- witch
- welch
- woosh
- whish