16 letter nouns that contain OR
We have listed 50 16-letter nouns that contain OR for you in this WordMom word list. All these 16-letter nouns that contain OR were verified by specialists in the English language.
- anthropomorphism
- authoritarianism
- autofluorescence
- anthropomorphist
- anthropomorphite
- astrometeorology
- apportionateness
- boroughmongering
- collaborationist
- creditworthiness
- chlordiazepoxide
- collaborationism
- counterterrorism
- counterterrorist
- choriomeningitis
- contemporariness
- diacetylmorphine
- dishonorableness
- disincorporation
- exterritoriality
- foresightfulness
- forisfamiliation
- gynandromorphism
- hemorrhoidectomy
- hydrometeorology
- horologiographer
- hydrargochloride
- haematoporphyrin
- incorruptibility
- immunosuppressor
- incorrespondence
- incorrespondency
- incorrigibleness
- morphophysiology
- maleconformation
- otherworldliness
- ornithoidichnite
- praiseworthiness
- perchloromethane
- palaeornithology
- prochlorperazine
- porphyrogenitism
- rhinosporidiosis
- shortsightedness
- satisfactoriness
- swedenborgianism
- trichloromethane
- trifluoromethane
- transportability
- unneighborliness