13 letter adjectives that start with T
We have listed 77 13-letter adjectives that start with T for you in this WordMom word list. All these 13-letter adjectives starting with T were verified by specialists in the English language.
- tautophonical
- tautochronous
- temperamental
- technological
- tenderhearted
- terpsichorean
- tetradynamous
- terminational
- tetartohedral
- tetrasyllabic
- teratological
- tetradynamian
- telegraphical
- tetrapetalous
- tetraphyllous
- temporofacial
- tetrasepalous
- tetraspermous
- tetraschistic
- tenebrificous
- tentaculiform
- thermodynamic
- thoroughgoing
- thermonuclear
- thermoplastic
- thunderstruck
- therapeutical
- thermosetting
- theorematical
- thoroughpaced
- thalamifloral
- thiosulphuric
- thermovoltaic
- thoracostraca
- tintinnabular
- toxicological
- topographical
- transatlantic
- transportable
- transmissible
- transformable
- tranquilizing
- tricentennial
- trigonometric
- transmittable
- transnational
- translational
- transcultural
- transferrable
- trophoblastic
- transactinide
- tranquilising
- transgendered
- tripinnatifid
- transgressive
- trichopterous
- trapezohedral
- transpiratory
- transitionary
- trisyllabical
- transcriptive
- transpositive
- triploblastic
- transmittible
- tritheistical
- troglodytical
- trothplighted
- transferrible
- triquadrantal
- trirhomboidal
- transplendent
- trisplanchnic
- trigonocerous
- tubulidentate
- turioniferous
- typographical
- typhomalarial