13 letter adjectives that start with H
We have listed 83 13-letter adjectives that start with H for you in this WordMom word list. All these 13-letter adjectives starting with H were verified by specialists in the English language.
- hairsplitting
- hallucinatory
- hallucinating
- haemorrhoidal
- haematogenous
- hemispherical
- heterogeneous
- heartbreaking
- hermaphrodite
- hematological
- heterosporous
- hemiparasitic
- hematopoietic
- heterotrophic
- hellenistical
- hemimetabolic
- heterocarpous
- heteroclitous
- heterotactous
- heterothermic
- hematothermal
- heterogenetic
- heterographic
- heliometrical
- heterological
- hexactinellid
- hexadactylous
- hermeneutical
- heteromorphic
- helispherical
- heteroplastic
- hellespontine
- hemiorthotype
- heterodromous
- heterotropous
- heptaphyllous
- heptaspermous
- heteroousious
- heteropelmous
- hepatogastric
- heartstricken
Read all 13 letter adjectives that start with HE
- horticultural
- holometabolic
- homoiothermic
- homochromatic
- holographical
- homoiothermal
- homolographic
- homalographic
- homoeothermal
- holostomatous
- homocategoric
- homoeomerical
- homogangliate
- holophanerous
- hypochondriac
- hypertrophied
- hypercritical
- hydroelectric
- hydrocephalic
- hymenopterous
- hyperboloidal
- hypermetropic
- hypoglycaemic
- hydrometrical
- hydropathical
- hygrometrical
- hyperphysical
- hysteranthous
- hyposulphuric
- hydrostatical
- hypsometrical
- hypermetrical
- hypocarpogean
- hyperdicrotic
- hyperthetical
- hypodicrotous
- hydrogalvanic
- hyomandibular
- hypobranchial
- hyperboliform
- hydromellonic
- hydrotelluric